♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, November 08, 2009
Human beings are vulnerable.
We live, we experience, we love and we die. Drastic life experiences could alter human behaviours. In many occasions we take things for granted without realising how precious people or things might be. I see a lot of parents spending endless time sacrificing and yet children not appreciating. Moulding and nurturing is not an easy task. It takes a lot of courage, patience and time.
We also spend too much of time obsessing over a lot of things that probably not even worth the time. We get obsessed over looking good, looking for the perfect partner, intelligence and social codes and conducts in attempt of portraying the "perfect" human being. The irony here is that despite knowing that the "perfect" human being is just merely a construction, we still nevertheless try to fulfill such ideal figure.
We live around the repeating cycle of expectations and responsibilities without being able to get out of it. It is not surprising that many would prefer to rebel against them.
Sometimes I wonder where has the cheerful and sociable side of me gone to. I used to love having a lot of friends around me but now it's just me being the awfully quiet girl heading towards the anti-social world.
Have I been too caught up with portraying the perfect girl? Judgements, expectations and responsibilities have always been my biggest fear. Does being size 0 matters?
At the end of the day, it finally hit me that these expectations doesn't matter at all. It's ultimately our own decision to decide how we want to live.