♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, December 12, 2009
): I'm exhausted. Finding the perfect accomodation was tough.The application for my Masters program seems to take forever and I can't apply for an extension for my visa without the comfirmation of application.It's pretty much impossible to get a place by the time I leave Melbourne. Sigh oh sigh. I'm tired walking around searching for accomodation, worrying and packing that I feel sick (endless days of migraine.Having diarrhoea now thanks to the szechuan food I had yesterday). ughhhhh.): Finding a place to temporarily put my belongings before coming back to Aus right now.
There's not many friends left at Melbourne at the moment thats why it's difficult but thankfully Alex and Sze is here with me helping me all the way.(: it would have been worst knowing me and my horrible sense of direction and lack of experience.
Can't wait for tomorrow. Dad, mum, Selina, Chrissipu and Joshiepu will be here with me (: