♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, January 03, 2010
2009 turned out much better then I expected to be as compared to my last new year. 2008 revolves around a lot of soul searching and mending the wounds caused by a series of events. Thankfully when 2009 came by, everything changed for the better. I'm now a much happier person. I learnt a lot studying and living at Australia (More independent, value the people/things around me).
In 2009:
I Graduated, I learnt how to love and appreciate, Maintained the friendships I have with all my best friends, I improved my cooking skills haha, Met Bra, Fell in love with Australia.... The list can go on and on. So many good things happened and I'm happy.
New year's resolution:
1: Work and do well for my Masters program.
2:Be a better daughter,sister, friend, and girlfriend.
3:-_- Practice driving HAHA.
4:Experiment with more cooking recipes.
5:Make somebody sing in mandarin at our first karaoke session this year (-_- this should be in his list *blows hair pfft)
6:cut cut cut my hair.
7:Exercise more, eat proper meals and stay healthy.
8:Do more crazy stuff and explore more places.
9: Less shopping hahaha. Pretty much impossible but hey I'll try :P
10:Send Szejia postcards from aussie :D
11:Improve my sense of direction -_-. Ugh
12:Bully Bra hehe neh kidding.
13:Figure out Alex's tomyum fried rice recipe haha.
14:I'll add some more some other time hehehe
Celebrated New year's eve at Sanctuary, The Curve with Selina, Bra & his friends and Jessmine. We got the smallest table in the world and the place was freaking packed and hot. Oh well, I guess it really is the company that matters the most. I'm crazy enough to book a last minute air ticket all the way to KL -_- . *laughs
Here I am spending a couple more days at KL. Szejia, Alva and Andrew is coming here next week. Can't wait !
Bryan went back to Kuching today. (I had fun and most importantly I get to spend new year's eve with you (: ) See you when I see you *huggels
Here are some pictures taken that night. I'll post the rest on facebook. Happy 2010 everyone!!!

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 12:15 AM