♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, January 12, 2010
:s February is approaching and I'm already feeling the pressure. Knowing that this would probably be the first of me being away from the usual friends that I hang out with all the time in a foreign country feels a little intimidating. ): Haha I honestly hope that you won't find me on the street looking like a crazy women (messy hair, walking aimlessly on the streets of Melbourne, and holding a bottle of beer) when you visit me. -_- That is what everyone have been teasing me on. ugh! Oh well, I'm just going to pray that things goes well. I'm actually a little nervous and yet excited at the same time thinking about whats going to happen next.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, both me and Selina had our usual lunch+chit-chatting session at Delicious. She told me so many stories on how girls got their hearts broken by guys who just can't commit to one girl, guys who cheated on them or those who treats them badly. I personally heard and listen to my friends telling me about their bad experiences as well. It kind of got me thinking why so many of us experience the same old drama blaming ourselves for everything and not the member of the opposite sex. I would think that it's just how girls like obsessing over every single thing (Hence, the lost of confidence).
These are the girls that came up with the conclusion that good guys are on the verge of 'extinction'.. A lot of girls protect themselves by dating a couple of guys and not commiting to one, treat guys bad when when they are being treated badly, don't exactlly believe on sweet talks, and they don't trust too easily (Needs more assurance).
Can anyone prove me wrong on this?