♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, February 18, 2010
I just came back from both my grandparent's place at KL and Pontian. I like the feeling of being able to meet all the people who are close to me since I'm leaving Malaysia soon to pursue my Masters program. The best part about new year would definitely be reunion dinner, the food, getting angpows, and meeting up with friends.

A lot of people have been asking me about my feeling towards going back to Melbourne this time round. I'm nervous to be exact but I know things will turn out fine and there will be plenty of chance to gain new experiences.
): Lexy please don't have the thoughts of me having messy hair when I get there kay *Inside joke
The worst part about this would be me not having a place to stay yet. Sigh to the many times I got dissapointed from not getting the place I applied for. Renting is place is sort of like a competition is Melbourne. If your slow, you will never get the place. Please oh please God, I hope that I'll find a place soon.
Just bought a twin lens holga Lomography camera (: . Can't wait to test it out soon.
hehe OH and I cut my hair. Half of my hair :S .
