♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, March 20, 2010
haha I'm surprised that there are still people reading this half abandoned blog and actually remembers my posts.
Anyway, I figured that I should stop my emotional posts because I don't see the reason for posting them out.
My friends have been great to me. Love em hehe :P.
Me, Jason, Ben and Ernest ended up having this random movie outing after lunch because everyone didin't have much to do. Well, I did have fun and the chicken noodles from the Indonesian shop at Caufield is freaking awesome that I could have that every single day. Hmm. Okay. I probably exaggerated a little but yeah. You get the picture.
Seven at night was chaotic, crazy but fun nonetheless. It's been a long time since me and Lava get to really dance to the tunes. My oh my. The boys were shaking their booties as well. It would have been better if both Ching Yee and Tina could join us. I don't exactly like the system of how Se7en manages their lines and entrance. ugh There were plenty of times a lot of us waited for crappy long hours and didin't get to even go in the club. I'm sorry girls. I'll make it up to you guys soon. Perhaps K next week or a movieee??
It really sucks bad that I'm supposed to be joining the boys for paintball today but I'm sort of broke thanks to shopping at Perth and Chadstone.. Man I should stop myself from unintentional spendings. *coughs. Well, it's something like the scenes you see at "Confession of the Shopaholic" where you have items on display calling out for you asking you to buy em. -_-
I'm getting a little paranoid. Recently both Lava and my sister dreamt about things happening to me. The details of both dreams were similar. Imma avoid going out so often at night because it's just super freaky.
Photos!! Have a great weekend ahead (:

By combining the soft glow of colored light and sound interaction between lava and gravity, lava lamps cast an aura of relaxation in any room. Interestingly, in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, lava lamps stimulate passion.
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This page: http://www.napoligg.com/story.php?id=270103
explains our process in detail.
If you want to find black lava lamps feel free to contact us.
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Search and you will understand why the lava lamps were in the heart of generations.