♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, April 29, 2010
Confession of a drama queen:
1: I secretly like the colour pink. Well maybe not secretly but a lot of people around me hates pink like nobody's business ): .
2: When I like doing something or eating a particular kind of food, I can do the same thing and eat the same thing a lot of times without getting bored or feeling sick of it.
3: Although I love watching horror films, a part of me still feel scared everytime I watch one.
4: I have to wear a pair of earring everytime I go out.
5: I don't use a comb. (Most important tool--> hair products and hair dryer)
6: I love japanese food.
7: I am lactose and caffeine intolerant.
8: I dislike boat rides as I get sea sick quite often.
9: I am not a fan of water slides as well
10: I dislike birds and frogs (Ask me about my experiences with frog. I can tell you all about it lol).
11: Only my grandmother knows how much of milo powder, milk and sugar I love having in my milo. (Well this is probably coz she makes the best milo)
12: I have extremely bad sense of direction.
13: I can watch sporting events and games on tv the whole day without doing anything else.
14: I used to not be able to distinguish between left and right in mandarin and malay.
15: I used to learn ballet.
16: I don't like following recipes. I modify them according to my taste bud.
17: I love snow globes and carousel musical boxes.
18: I loves butterflies related stuff.
19: I am interested in astronomy.
20: I like colourful rooms and stuff. I don't like plain coloured stuff.
21: I am usually attracted to guys with thick eyebrows
22: I get cramps very often.
23: I dislike fizzy and soft drinks.
24: I LOVE milkshakes.
25: I only sleep on the right hand side of the bed.
26: I have to put on a night light before sleeping.
27: I get paranoid very fast.
28: I sing in the shower
29: I don't plan my outfit every single time I go out.
30: I still collect stickers
Chi Chi's sleeping behind me lol! and I should get some rest too! adious.