♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I always have this problem of finding suitable gifts for people be it their birthdays or some other special occasions especially for guys!
I mean come on there are 10000000000000000000 items out there that are made specially for girls. You can just buy some fancy ornament, jewellary, something cute and sweet or flowers and they will be satisfied.
I usually opt for a nice shirt if I were to buy for a guy friend's birthday. It's getting boring though. *blows hair*
So I made up a list of stuff that I could possibly get but it just doesn't help much.
1: Shirt *yawns

2: Cologne: It's not easy to pick the right scent for a guy unless you know him very well and knows what he likes.

3: Sporting goods.

4: ??
Ultimate fail! The list that I came up with doesn't even reach 5 items.
I could do with some help here.
and I think I'm getting older and forgetful. I put my hair treatment product on my body instead of my hair without realising. Demented Karina lol.
The "and" doesnt end there because I also feel like having a cup of hot chocolate from Lindt Cafe right now sigh. It's freezing cold.