♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I find this website really useful especially for a crazy food lover and anyone who loves cooking like me (:
Prepare to drool on your keyboard!
Hochiak!! <----Click on the link
Anyway, I have been thinking a lot lately and the option to fly back to Malaysia after completing my Masters certificate within these few months/this semester seems like a good one. I feel that, It's time for me to step into the capitalist world. (Job options would include those from KL and Singapore).
and not forgetting the fact that I miss the family so much. I would love to spend my Birthday with them this year since I haven't had the chance to do so for so many years. I also miss those simple things daddy and mummy do to make us happy (Simple things like our weekly soft serve cones from Mcdonalds. That 50cents is enough to make so many of us happy. Our almost weekly French mille (crepes cake which is oh-so-good), my two cute little pumpkin brother/sister, and Selina!. We'll be staying at our "temporary" new pad the parents bought while our old house go through some major renovation project.
The one and only Booger Eng (: my bestest bestest bestest friend in the whole wide world.
and Lexy the other kawan baik and and his rotten strawberries/cockroaches.
It's just an option though. I'll spend the next few weeks thinking about this before coming up with a final verdict.
Melbourne did bring a lot of fond memories and good friends as well.
I have to think about this carefully.
I just recently purchsed another lomography camera but it's a digital version this time round. Save the trouble of printing manually like my Holga. Oh and did I mention that it's super cute!

I would love to own this beauty someday: Olympus Pen e-pl 1