♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Canberra is a really quiet and laid back place as compared to Melbourne. There's pretty much nothing to do here to be exact besides a few shopping places but the people are really helpful and friendly.
My emergency travel document if finally done -_- and we still have 2 more days at Canberra. We decided to book for a "all around Canberra" tours tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get to see some nice stuff.
): sigh sore throat came back and we are still very upset over the lost at home sigh. It's sad to see mum and dad being upset. Think about the stuff they kept for many years being taken away. I'm trying to make this trip enjoyable so mummy will be happier. Anyway, through all these incidents, I finally realised who truely cares.