♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, May 28, 2010
The other day I had this -_- random talk with one of my friends about our most embaressing moments and I got to say that I have pretty much a lot of these "moments" and I actually had people witnessing them.
I accidently went into this random stranger's car thinking that it's my dad's car and I only realised that after for like 10 minutes. That guy gave me the strangest stare ever.
I wore my school blouse inside out. I was wondering why my driver and everyone in the car were laughing at me at the time-_-.
I hehe forgotten to button or zip at least twice my life *hides behind the door*
It's always nice to hear funn stories from my friends.
Anyway, I just reached Melbourne. Canberra was pretty fun but I still nonetheless love Melbourne.
Went to the war memorial museum (I love museums!!), The Parliament of Aus, and plenty of other places. I shall post out all the pictures soon. It's just a few from day one at the moment because I have to wake up early for breakfast tomorrow before heading the Collins street for some shopping. Mum wants to buy a bag.
Adious! (: Hi Melbie friends. Missed me? :P