♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, July 26, 2010
I returned my rented car this morning with Jason and Aaron. We had an early breakfast at Coconut house -_- (Their first customers to be exact haha) then it was school all the way for me. It took me such a long time to complete my storyboards and presentation slides but the lecturer said that we didin't have to present but just send him details of our short video. Wasted my time doing so much. lol. Oh well, I do love what I'm doing so I don't mind doing extra or going for every single classes. (: Yeap! I'm a nerd.

I secretly took this at Biero haha when Mun Hoong and the rest of the biero people were competing to see who finishes first in drinking whatever thats on the table.

Met daniel on the way back and it was nice to spend some time talking. Good to know someone who has the passion for designing and he is one hell of a movie fan!
Ok my Thai food delivery is here (: yay! super hungry. Adious.