♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I'm not going to deny that I'm a sucker for romance novels and films (: . One of the authors that I own a lot of books from is Nicholas Sparks and I actually caught almost all the films based on his books besides "The Last Song". haha yes I like sappy love stories although I have people laughing at me for reading his books. I think simplicity is the best way to go even when your writing a romance novel. A lot of us would love to think that our love stories are similar to those on screen and books. No doubt it seems unrealistic but it makes people happy. I like how Nicholas Sparks puts in deep human emotions into his writing and it never fails to create this effect that allows people to feel how the characters feel. I likes shows and books that have good values embedded in them in terms of human relationships and feelings.
hehe (: that is my naive and nerdy side.
Today is one of those relaxing days that I spent time on watching two movies: Dear John (Channing Tatum & Amanda Seyfield) and Remember Me (Robert Pattinson). Kind of enjoyed both films. I think Robert Pattinson did pretty well acting in this film (not a twilight movie fan haha).

Spent the past two days hanging out with of my bestfriends, Sonia. It was funny that I sang the Birthday song at a cafe that we were at. The waiter almost spoiled my plan by coming over to our table to ask for what I wanted on the cake I just ordered-_-. haha So yeah. That was me wanting to give Sonia a Birthday Surprise.

Dad is driving me up to KL most probably on Saturday afternoon to catch my flight at midnight. Packing is such a pain and I think my bags are going to ended being overweight. Sigh. Going out tonight with the family to get some stuff for me to bring back. I shall be optimistic and that 5 months passes by real fast.
I'm so addicted to origami right now. -_- yeah I know. I'm such a grandma but well origami has been one of my interests since I was a little girl. I love everything to do with arts and crafts. Well, it helps when it comes to family/friends/boyfriend's birthdays and presents for every occasions. To me, it's more meaningful to make something for someone than to purchase a present from the store because it shows the effort and the sincerity you put into making them. Thats hows I am old fashion or not haha.