♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, July 25, 2010
This is going to be an incredibly heavy picture post from the night during Shim Pei's birthday and our mini Japanese dinner at Ito. I decided to not post up most of the pictures that night because it just was a bad night altogether. These are the remaining ones that consists of mostly me and Alva. It would have been such a waste if I had not post them out because Alva look great that night!

I finally went to Biero bar last night with Praveen and gang. Yeap the place have this really cosy feel to it. The concept and interior of the whole bar is brilliant! (: They have this hugh collection of beers and alcohol sold there and I did managed to try some of them. The live band and magiv performance added into how great biero was and boy I sure did have fun getting to know more people.
Not forgetting that Aaron's here at Melbourne! yay. He wanted to surprise me by showing up when I shifted my stuff over to my current place. (: He certainly did helped a lot with the shifting and we're going to be meeting up very often now that he's here. Had dinner with him, Jason, Ching Yee, Soon Tiong and Soon Hau.
Now I'm back at home drawing out my story board for the 30 seconds video.