Couture ME <3


♥ K a r i n a ♥
Saturday, July 24, 2010

我要的只是那些会保护我, 尊敬, 还有不会伤害我的人.

From now onwards, the things that I chose not to remember, I won't remember. Sometimes it's nicer to live in a dream than to face the whole cruel truth.

At times, I feel like I don't deserved certain things that went on in my life and why things have to happen the way it did.

Have I done anything wrong?
I'm so scared of so many things right now. Who am I to trust and is there truthfully anyone out there who deserves my trust?

I can let go of everything and go on being alright and looking fine (Altough I'm naive,I do have high tolerance level towards things that hurts and I can be strong) but I won't be able to control the things that kept coming back haunting me.

Wishing for better days.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:13 PM

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