♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, July 21, 2010
So I have this major obsession for bags and shoes right now. The style that caught my interest recently are those of Samantha Thavasa "kago" collection. It's different in a sense that it's not your usual clutch, hobo, shoulder bags.
Yeap it's straw bags! -_- lol It's actually a Japanese trend right now.
So pretty(: Ok la I'm looking for one that is simple and nice. Nothing over the top.

The other obsession of mine is the classic oxford shoes. These heels looks so classy, timeless and elegant !

-_- This is a super redundant bimbotic blog post.
I spent the whole day after class shopping, sleeping and watching videos.
Speaking of videos. You guys should catch Wong fu's funemployed. Ok only do it when your super bored. It's quite entertaining. Hmm or is it just because of the fact that I love the wongfu people? haha I know people like Szejia, Jon Sern and Alex are going to agree with me on how nice some of their videos are.
Oh dear. I'm supposed to work on my first few assignments that are due soon. What a procastinor I am! Hopefully my plan to stay alert in class and to sleep early works considering the fact that I have morning classes every single day.