♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, July 20, 2010
This is just a really sad week. OK as much as I want to stop sounding like a whiney ass, I don't think I can ): . The passing of Ben and knowing the fact that so many people is leaving melbourne makes me emo mo mo *wails like a crying baby*.
-_- Why do I cry so easily when it comes to things that happens in "real" life than those on screen tsk tsk. I'm such a weirdo. I feel bad now coz I make fun of szejia every time she emo at the cinema... *Sowwie ):
So yea. How am I supposed to maintain this "happy" outlook without sounding emotional because I tend to be emo so easily. Hmm I guess I have been like this since forever.
Other than that, I'm glad that I have super good friends in my class to have hot chocolate and coffee during our breaks and to share on what I did during the holidays. Not forgetting the badminton club people and Praveen & gang +Alva, Ching Yee, Jonsern (I would have been eating dinner at home most of the time without them).
So (:
Come to think of it, I guess all I did was to look beyond those emotional thoughts and to count my own blessings through the things that I have.
I'm at Information design class right now. Oh dear. It feels awfully quiet right now because there's only four students in this class and the lecturer is err sort of quiet. I woke up late today thanks to my clumsy self. Accidentally set my alarm to "pm" instead of "am". So yeah. Here we are, learning on how to design the interface of electronic devices (mobile phones, cameras etc.) and image functions.
Looks like I have to invest on an apple product soon because the normal operating system doesn't support the use of multiple designing and flash software all at once. It crashes all the time. I was thinking on either a mac book pro or a mac mini.
haha Enough about the boring stuff.
Can't wait for inception tomorrow! I have been waiting to watch this film since forever. This film features one of my all time favorite actor, Leonardo Di Caprio. haha I think he aged well from his Titanic "look". Don't you think so??
ok I'll cut the crap! lecturer's coming to my table. Bye bye!