♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, August 16, 2010
As much as I try, there's always those who comment on what I do or how they don't really like me. I can't be bothered because who are those people to judge the way I live my life. I'm sick and tired of trying to explain myself or prove to people on what I do. I don't have to say it out loud that I love doing this or that.
If I'm quiet and shy, so be it. If I don't feel like talking, so be it. If I go out and hang out with people I feel comfortable with, so be it. If I feel like going to any places, so be it.
My weeks are still filled with assignments but I'm more or less immune to the workload. Same old routine: Stay in on weekdays/Sundays to complete my work and go out on Fridays/Saturdays. I like having company and people I feel comfortable with to be around me. Going out = a lot of shopping, Biero sessions (Well, I did cut down on the drinking because my stomach don't work well with alcohol but I like the fact that everyone meet up at least once a week to talk about things.), I go for Karaoke (It doesn't happen all the time but I did it twice this month and it's really a good way to release some stress), Watch tv series and films (I love films and anything video-related. So yeah), not forgetting food outings! and hanging out with Aaron & occasionally my other JB friends.
-_- Everyone's calling me currypau now thanks to Praveen *pokes and tickles*
hahah and I got so shy when I found out that Romesh reads my blog...
I'm doing pretty good right now. hehe So to the people back in Malaysia who are worrying about me having enough sleep, being healthy enough and managing my time well: Don't worry because I am doing much better.
I have no problems with submitting all my works on time and I sleep early during my weekdays.
My first hand drawn tattoo. Took me so long to finish it up :S . It's a very complicated design.

Unglam-___-" even my hair band fell.

The end product!

I drew part of her eyes as well.

I shot Matt with my gun ! (: Eh don't play play. This guy is a Manager at one of the hotels in Sydney.

Fehmes toilet mirror shot -___-

Went for Cinvin's birthday party.

So anyway, I had this mini photo shoot for my video on the seven sins. I got Aaron and Alva to become my models (: . It was fun. I can't publish out most of the pictures (hehe Intellectual properties) but I do have two shots that shows how great the both look in the pictures.

Crazy Karina teehee:
haha unglam like shit but Alva said I look damn funny here. I was just fooling around in the room coz I was bored.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 11:29 PM