♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, August 08, 2010

The weather is making everyone fall sick right now ): and unfortunately, I'm one of them. I kinda made it worst by having Thai food (With Aaron, Alva, and Jonsern) and alcohol last night.
Aaron and Jonsern came over to my place to hang out in the afternoon and we killed time by playing games and talking.
Watched "Dream Home" after that. It's one of the only film I'm actually catching from the list of movies under the Melbourne International Film Festival. Have never actually heard of the festival until Praveen told me about it. Well it was kind of gory but funny at the same time. I'm not much of a gore fan but I wasn't crazily scared. It was funny because we were all sitting at the first few rows at the cinema and I literally covered my eyes and made funny noises at some of the scenes-_-.
Randomly went out for someone's birthday party at Charlie's bar and then stopped by Biero to have a couple more drinks before heading to Prav's place for more drinks :S
haha thats the closest I can get to having a house party knowing that my place have fussy neighbors and ): it's not the biggest place to live in.
I went home in the morning without being able to see clearly because my contact lens was too dry thanks to the weather.
It was fun though! (:
I'm quite surprised at the fact that I managed to still do my work without having anything unusual appearing on my work after all that drinks. Managed to finish before falling asleep at 8 in the morning-_-.
Had Dim sum at Chinatown with Ching Yee. She gave me tv series to watch yay!

hahaha! managed to take a picture of someone's furry home shoes. It was funny when I first saw this :P

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:20 PM