♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, August 06, 2010
I have been pigging out a lot lately and most of the outings with my friends involves eating (: . Oh well! Who can resist good food?
Jonsern called me a monster just now -____- .
and and and I had one of the best shopping experience here at Melbourne with Alva yesterday! It was just us, pancake parlour and Myers. Whoops and I did mentioned before this that I have to stop shopping so much. Sigh. Old habit that apparently is far too difficult to quit. Watched Step Up in 3D after that with Tina, her boyfriend, and the other couple-__-. It was basically a couple thing hahaha Me and Alva were the odd one out but pretended that we're couple. To top that up, I even bought choc tops for the both of us. The movie wasn't great. Nothing could be compared to the very first Step up where Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan did their amazing dance moves. There were the occasional impressive movements but it was just an alright movie.

I look like crap here-_____- but It was funny and I wanted to buy that home. haha Apparently it can carry up to 70kg.

Cook out with the classmates! (:

Dinner just now at Nihonbashi Zen. It's an expensive place but serves very good food. Go there if you don't mind splurging.

Macha ice cream mmmm. (: My usual desert..

Ok the reason why I got emotional lately is solely because of the fact that I got stressed over my Masters program. Everything seems tougher with IT subjects being the main concern for this semester and not forgetting that my classmates are getting more and more competitive. So yeah. Stuff like my studies (besides my family and friends) affects me much more than breaking up with a boyfriend-_-. Even Alva commented on how upset I looked and it's very unlike of me to look like that. Oh well, I have my bad days.
hmm on an unrelated note, sometimes things are harsh no matter h0w much you sympathizes the people who are hurt by their relationships. Sigh It sucks but sometimes it's better to let go then to try mending problems that will resurface again in the near future. When a girl gives up and fall out of love, it's not going to change because usually girls are the vulnerable ones that forgives easily and put love as one of the priorities in life. When something happens, it doesn't change.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:03 PM