♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Twist, link and dunk. mmm I had mini oreos with a glass of fresh milk.
Don't these mini oreos look so cute?
I'm contemplating on getting my hands on those coloured contacts lens that everyone was raving about and asking me to try them on (Including my own sister). Well, I've never really thought of wearing them because I can only put on those special made toric ones and I might look weird in them.
I have astigmatism, therefore, I can't easily get coloured contacts just at any stores that offers them. In fact, I have to custom make or order them in advance. haha so unfair but yeah Imma try them out soon just for the fun of it (just like my post on hair extension-.-).
I'll definitely go for something not over the top. Just grey or brown.
Have been putting on my honey+cinnamon mixture on my face. It's really good for curing pimples! natural remedy.
oh oh oh and I super have this fetish right now on tulle and those ballerina lookalike skirts *screams like a bimbo*. Their so pretty! Managed to get hold of some from thepoplook.com . Ah yes. Everyone's buying from that website (It's one of the most popular online shop among the Malaysian girls). Not forgetting ASOS do have quite a number of them!

Oh yes! Carrie Bradshaw in her tulle.

Currently, the family is planning for our end of the year travel trip and mum wanted Taiwan this time round (my mum copycat haha!. It was supposed to be just me and Selina. Now the whole family's going)
oh yes imagine: the good looking Taiwanese people, the good food, the fabulous shopping and not forgetting, a whole lot of tourist attractions! . I'm getting all excited.
I'll be flying back as soon as I finish my one and only paper-.- (Damn lame!) . Mid November for all the people having their Birthdays by then.
I feel like I'm rambling a lot. Sigh what to do, this is the only place I come to during my breaks from work.
(: bai!
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:27 PM