♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, September 05, 2010
I just watched two films that can be labelled as being ridiculous and bad when people first watch them.
Phobia 2: I had high expectations on this film being purely a good horror flick after doing some research online for the top 5 horror movie of all time with it's first version being in the list. The second version does not fall on the same category as the first but it is a twist of comedy and a little bit of horror. However, despite me thinking of how funny those scenes were and considering the fact that some part of the plot did not make much sense, I still think that it is a pretty interesting film. Do not expect a good horror film but just expect something different. I give credits to the director for bringing in creativity by coming up with a trailer that spooks people out but a film that turns out to be something different. People don't watch this for a good story but to get entertained. The final scene left me laughing so hard because it's an ending that makes fun of the horror genre.
haha well, it really depends on personal preference. If you enjoy films that don't make sense but love new ideas (and comedies). Watch it. If you don't, don't bother.

Piranha: I got to give director Alexandre Aje credits for bringing films like this to a whole new level. I never had the interest for man eating films like this in the first place but I have to admit that this was a pretty good one! . The first part of the story seems a little slow in pace and does not show much scenes that would make people have the impression of this being a good film or anything great. BUT I AM TELLING YOU THAT THE SECOND HALF WAS JUST GRUESOME! It was the longest gore feast that a film has ever fed audiences with and I must say it was well made. The gore effects were just amazing considering the fact that the director puts every single detail and process together. It is a film that would make you laugh and make you jump out of your seat (hahaha more like I did! ): . Mr Eu had so much of fun laughing at me and he even confiscated my scarf just so I could concentrate on the film. ) Once again. It's all on personal preference.

Moving on to something that brings back a lot of fond memories and just being an enjoyable film.
Ice Kacang Puppy Love: I don't love this film for the techniques applied on the film but purely for the storyline and the fact that it's a Malaysian production. I had a great time laughing and smiling throughout the film. It's such an adorable and touching film (: + all the famous names from the Chinese music industry. What is there to hate about this film? Oh yeah. The innocence of love and the life of "Kampung/village" people.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:00 PM