♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Whoa! This blog has been with me through my ups and downs. It's the longest and the most consistent blog I ever had. My old blogs are all immature crap *laughs*
Unfortunately it's not a space where I could just sincerely write out my thoughts without having to think of the consequences and how people would feel. It would have been better if I had made it a more private blog to even begin with.
It's a little too late I guess.
Have been pretty bothered lately with my studies and the fact that I hang out with too many judgemental people.
I can't do something that I do not really like. It's more of forcing myself to do it.
As for the judgemental part, I know better than anyone when it comes to my own life. Nobody have the rights to judge the way I live, the people I hang out with or what I do. I know what is going on in my mind although I do not act them out in public. It gets so frustrating because people can only see so much from the outlook and not what is within.
It might not be how it looks like.
I had my first early birthday dinner at The Italian. The ambience was pretty good. The food was just hmm how do I say this. "Ok" I guess. I have very high standard when it comes to eating steak. Ordered rib eye. The portion was way too big and it was a little too salty for my liking. Other than that, everything was pretty much good!
Oh well, what matter the most is the company. This group consists of the people I'm close to at Melbourne (:
Thanks for coming!
Oh and I discovered that somebody actually watches "wei siao pasta" hahahaha!
Went back to Uni the next day to finish up the final editing for our short film. It's done!
I have already completed 2 assignments this week. I'm only left with the two more. Can't wait!
Had a charity event to go to last night. All the performances were fantastic!(my friends thinks that I have a crush on the guy who sang so well -_- pfft. )
Lisa came over to my place today to complete her tax forms and we had such a great night together having dinner and talking. hehehe I love girls night out!
Happy "early" Birthday girl (:
Lighting too bright but I'm lazy to edit Teehee!

Thanks for the early birthday presents. Macaroons and rose :D

(: my favourite lava lamp

Oh so yummeh oyster

Rib eye

Beaker lookalike candle holder



Charity night. Alva's dance group :D

Random picture of the boys hehe
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:12 PM