♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, October 21, 2010

lol We've been to so many balls together -_-"


haha! Darling spuds (: Remember szejia?

Our crazy attempt to get the mtv asia awards tickets.. Wuuu we ended up winning! :D

Subang KTM.. haha

Phillip Island

Gowning day :D (Graduated together some more haha)

Gold Coast!
That important and special day is here. It's my best friend's birthday.
I have known her half of my life and this person have seen the most unglam side of Karina hahaha and not forgetting, my most glamorous moments (:
ahh yes super cheesy but yes, she is one hell of a great person! andddddd Curry feels very lucky and blessed.
She's always there when I needed someone there even when she is currently back at Malaysia. We still talk on the phone like how we always do. Gossip, talk about boy problems, talk about our studies, encourage each other and all the funny crap that we come up with.
HAHAHAHA ten thousand nicknames that I gave her (oh well. Apparently I'm still the same. Nicknames are part of what I give to people when I get close to them). BUTTTT OUR NICKNAMES ARE SO FUNNY! Well of course, that is only for me and her to know. *sticks out tongue.
It's pretty much our first time not celebrating our birthday together. It feels really weird not organising something to surprise her.
But Booger (I know you will read this). I sincerely wish you Happy Birthday and enjoy the day with Wei Yan, Sonia, Alex and all the wonderful people out there.
Take some time off your thesis (: . Have a break because you deserved this one. I know you have been really stressed with your studies. So yeah! You know what to do!
It's been such a long time since our balak secondary school days. So much of fond memories and so much of joy. We're haha all getting older hor but the friendship will always be there and I know that. I'm really happy for you that you found someone you really like, your doing the course that you really enjoy doing and your having the time of your life. I'll pray for you so that it will be all happy and sunny for you every single day!
*does the boogey dance*
:D Stay Sze Jia and don't ever change because your great just the way you are.
hahaha Best friends forever! (So old fashion but still must say!) Wuu just like sex and the city characters :) (Miranda!)
From your ever so takut jadi unglam, ever so clumsy and blur, and super dee duper old friend:
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:02 PM