♥ K a r i n a ♥
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Who else in the world would do this for me.
She waited for me to finish up my assignment.
I was so stressed at that moment because I had to a major responsibility to hand up one of the most important assignment of my Masters program which determines if I could do well this semester.
There she was on skype with me giving me advices on how I could do better. I sent her samples of my assignment over and over again. The connection was hell slow but she patiently waited for them to get through despite not having anything to eat that whole day.
Asked her to head out and have her late dinner, but she refused to until my file was sent and she can have a look at it.
Yesterday she did it again. We talked on the phone this time round because I was feeling down after knowing that fact that I am once again living alone next semester because my friend pulled out last minute.
She made me feel better.
Ah yes.
I'm talking about sisterly love here.
So thank you Selina (: Lubbbb chuuuu *hugs tight tight and not letting gooooo* *manja*
Never stay troubled for long because I forget them after waking up.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 4:18 PM