♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It's either I'm away from home where I might not have access to the internet or I'm just lazy and bumming around the house (Don't really have much of the mood to blog considering the fact that I blog very often when I'm in Melbourne pfft).
I am super bored right now (Siblings are beside me watching Hercules on Disney -_-)
It's either I'm going to apply for a part time job for the fun of it to kill time or go for some random class such as baking or guitar (Desperate measures haha -_-). I really need to! Feels like I'm wasting a lot of time. I mean how often can I go out shopping, partying and all the other entertainment activities? It gets really boring after doing the same thing far too many times.
Anyway, I shall cut the crap.
Had quite a lot of fun during my trip to KL last week.
Went to Zouk with Jon, Selina, Ken, Sonia and Sze (:
It was a really really good night! ( Pictures from Selina's camera)
I have more pictures to upload but I left my memory card in KL. Waiting for Selina to get back so I could upload them on facebook.
Wah my dad damn chun hahaha! :P

Will be going to KL often because Grandma is not feeling very well. We are trying to keep things positive despite her feeling all the negativity. I really want her to get better. I have not been the best granddaughter at times but I really do love her.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:07 PM