♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, February 25, 2011
All for acceptance? Sometimes I wonder why human confidence can be so fragile. It does not remain constant at all times.
On a different note, I am finally done with all the packing. All set to fly back to Melbourne so I could complete something that would make me so proud of myself (: . I have definitely learnt a lot living alone. Well of course there are still room for improvements (Have to be more confident and less shy, improve further on sense of directions, learn how to do things on my own etc).
Four months passed by so quickly. I had so much of fun during the holidays!
Thank you for making my holidays a great one and I shall see you guys again real soon!
My family and my awesome friends (you know who you are. lol Who knows that I might be attending a wedding the next trip I am back *grins*). Love you guys!

Long legs:)

Chrisipoo hehe

Ah kong and Ah mah (:

Lava lamp and booger

Kentucky fried chicken and the baby :)

Stinky Jon :)

Baboon (:


Mr porno and Baron

Daddy and Joshiepoo

-__- All the nicknames.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 1:29 PM