Couture ME <3


♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's ironic that a lot of people likes/tend to think of the worst be it a friendship, relationship or just the things that we come across in life.

Not everything/people are that complicated.

Friendships or relationships could be simple too or is it just my wishful thinking?

I may be someone who doesn't talk much but when I'm involved with either one or both, I put all my heart into them sincerely.

I don't believe in making use of people and lying but just friendships or relationships that would make people happy even when they are sad.

I love the people around me and it naturally makes me feel good even when I'm down.

-_- I may have sounded like some little kid but I meant what I said. People can be sincere too.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:50 PM

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