♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Felt like a mum shopping for gifts for my kids -____-" . I was out shopping yesterday at Myers and David Jones for my siblings at the kids section. I love the toys section! hmm Yes I'm still a kiddo at heart. I visit Target and their toy sales. Myers is better because they have collector's edition items!
Bought two box of hot wheels products for my brother and one limited edition Hello Kitty monopoly set from there to add on to my collection but I will leave it in the hands of my younger sister since she loves the game and I'm just collecting it. I have a secret obsession towards limited edition monopoly sets :/ . I love looking at them but I'm not allowed to buy too many of them due to the limited space I have here at my apartment. It's going to be hard sending my things back.
Oh yes, that is the nerdy side of mine.
Have been cooking a lot and ordering delivery food lately thanks to assignments. Tahans* I'm this close to finishing everything. Already applied for my graduation ceremony in KL end of his year. I'm getting excited! Second ceremony for me only with a different robe and different certificate

Boxes for packing. My place is in a mess pfft.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 1:45 PM