♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, June 11, 2011

like finally after such a long time. For some reason, I don't feel like going out to party and celebrate. I guess what I really need is rest and the weather is way too cold. tsk tsk Another reason for me to bum around I supposed.
I like the idea of having plenty of "me" time. I do a lot of stuff when I am alone. I shop, I watch plenty of films or Television series, I read magazines, news or books, I check out entertainment or fashion blogs etc. There is just so much to do! It's really nice to be able to do things at my own pace (:
Supposed to be out today (I was out) but my outing was cut short because of a silly mistake I made. Had this huge bowl of vanilla ice cream and now I am suffering the consequences. Just to be safe, I decided to stay at home. Who knows, maybe karaoke tonight. Hopefully I will be fine by then .
Ps: Don't laugh at me hmmph.
I rewarded myself with an ebook reader. I have been thinking about getting one for quite some time. Ipad's good but I wanted something just for reading. What is the point of having an Ipad anyway. You bring it around to surf the internet, check mails and play games? What elese?
You can do all of that at home or on your phone. What is the whole point of having an extra device when it works the same as the rest of the devices you have. Call me old fashion but I find it quite pointless. It is going to make you a little less sociable.
I was talking to a friend about how I find it funny that people actually line up and wait for devices. Why can't people just wait a little longer to get the same thing than to line up for hours just to be the first few to get them -__-" .
I wanted an ebook reader because I can't keep too many books. Was looking through all the stuff that I have and it's crazy! I need to save some space and it would definitely help me in many ways. (:
This song is addictive