♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
One of my favourite thing to do would have to be reading food blogs and watching food related shows. Besides the usual Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and Nigela Lawson, I have been watching Heston Blumenthal's shows. Love his concept of combining and science and food together. Got to respect this guy for owning a restaurant that was the best in the world in year 2005 and best in the UK in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Heard that his restaurant receives about 30000 calls a days for reservations.
He has got some pretty wacky ideas for food by they certainly are very interesting. You can watch some of the videos from his channel on youtube. Check out "Feast". Love it!
My dream is to try out food from his restaurant "The Fat Duck" one day (: .
Have been busy with all the exploring and keeping my friend company while she was here the past few days. It was quite disastrous that most flights from the Melbourne airport were cancelled due to ashes from the volcano eruption in Chile. I had fun especially after finishing Masters. I needed company as well because everyone is busy at the moment with exams and assignments. She is pretty much the only one who enjoys exploring and walking around random places as much as I do. Can't wait to visit Sydney as well to try out all the good food!
While Ching Yee was here, we had a chance to check out the TutanKhamun exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. I have to say that the exhibition did not live up to expectations. It's not too bad but it wasn't great especially with the price you pay to enter the exhibition.
They certainly did put on effort for the whole Egyptian concept with music and it was well organised.
I also had my first public karaoke session at Hollywood Karaoke's lounge. Was quite shy at first but it turned out to be fun. We had like people coming in to join us after their partying session and the bouncers joined us as well. -____-" This bunch of Italian guys requested for Andrea Bocelli because they did not know many of the songs there. Oh well, we had fun with all the singing and dancing! (:
Random images:
Slinky haha: Reminds me of how I used to have those rainbow coloured ones. Ah yes. Childhood memories.

Banane from the French Creperia (I'd assume that banana is known as banane in French?).

The crazy amount of USB thumbdrives I have.

Cherry yum!

Yay! Zara is opening here at Melbourne tomorrow! It's only ten minutes walk from my place.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:42 PM