♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, June 20, 2011

Sleepy eyes haha
It just hit me that June is ending real soon and July is on it's way. It also simple means that I am flying back home to Malaysia and the end of my Melbourne journey.
I'm having mixed feelings about this because of the life I built here for the past few years but at the same time I feel relieved that I will be back home in the arms of my love ones.
So anyway, it's packing time for me again since I am done with masters and all. Sigh the hassle of packing pfft. Yeah it's my own fault since I was the one who bought all the stuff in the room.
haha My dad used to complain how much of stuff we actually have at home. No amount of extra storage space could hold all the items we have so he gave up -_-".
Been hanging out with my classmates quite often. I am going to miss them so much especially Violet. She's like a sister to me.
Always nagging knowing that I fall sick so easily.
We've been through quite a lot throughout my Masters program and I'm thankful for that. (: She's coming to Malaysia to visit me!! so yay!
Feels like I'm writing a farewell post pfft. Being all dramatic again.
Unrelated note, I did something that I don't usually do. Lined up just to shop at the opening of Zara. haha uh yeah. The brat actually lines up to get into a shop -_-"
Did not buy a lot that day because I got fed up with the queues I had to go through (Changing room etc..)
It used to be me and my sister going in and out of Zara with our purchases back at Malaysia. Can't wait to shop with both my sisters again! They are pretty much the only people who enjoys shopping as much as I do without complaining.
I don't really like it when there's judgements or complains.
But yeah,
EVERYTHING'S great at the moment!
My ebook reader.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 3:02 PM