♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Work is piling up with preparations for sports market events. Thank god for all the nice colleagues helping me out all the time. Have no complains at all because everything is in place.
Bones and pot for Joe's farewell

Chocolate from candilicios

Lazy to rotate -_-. Ahmad time for Ahmad coughs.
Make fun of me being Maria some more la.

Lam Mee from Lameeya. This is good stuff!

Nyahaha Lexy is going to kill me.. It was so funny. Playing with tango at Chatime.

I sent Booger this and Alex called me gross and mushy :( .

facetime with booger

bitch please shirt from Boogs

Ninja Joe is awesome

Funny fashion by Selina hahaha

Marmalade :)

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 9:03 PM