♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, May 31, 2007
I freaking suck in pool.
Practically made a fool of myself in front of the seniors :S
Asia Cafe. Ahh, went there twice today. First with Eddie, Joanna and Meng yoe then With Rachel at the evening.
Rach was feeling down. We brought her there to release some stress.
"Hey buddy, chill alright? Dont forget you have all your good friends being there for you:). Dont lose your smile. You look great with it:)"
As usual, slept my way through contemporary world's lecture * Grins widely
Helen discussed about the exams. We are required to write quite a lot of words there. Wonder how am i doing that. *Sigh
Anyways, introducing selina's favorite film and book. Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov.
This is a story about a paedophile. (Which means an adult who is sexually attracted to children). LOL I know it sounds disgusting. But, there is a reason behing everything that happenes.
There are actually meanings enbedded in the poems from the book. This guy lost his childhood sweetheart(Annabel) to typhus. Somehow, Lolita resembles Annabel. He feel in love with Lolita. Tried to get close to her by marrying Lolita's Mother. Well, if you are interested in it, you can actually check it out from this website : http://www.randomhouse.com/features/nabokov/lo_excerpt.html. Full of literary elements. Recommended for people who loves literary books. :)
Till then take care:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Didint really do much today. Had journalism lecture today. He was talking about our exams. It ended exactly after one hour. Went for lunch at the PINK SHOP before heading to the library to watch "Ghost". Talking about ghost, It was a pretty good movie. I love the fact that they mix genres such as triller, action, romance and comedy together. It makes the movie more interesting. Whoopie Goldberg was hilarious!Demi Moore looks real young here and she had this short boy cut hair. I'll give it an 8/10. Quite a good one here
Attended rachel's newsroom for a while before heading home. Yeap WE Did some swimming again today! :) Rachel's learning breast stroke fast. Way to go girl:)
Sigh i dont seems to have much to blog about right now.
Look like life is getting boring:S
Ehehe alright then i shall get back to my hersheys chocolates yumm. Till then take care:)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, May 29, 2007
First of all, we need to know yourname:*Karina
And may I ask how old are you?* 18. Turning 19 soon
When is your birthday?* 26th of october LOL *hint hint
LEVEL 1Grade/Year this upcoming school year?* Uni second semester, year one.
Wish for your next birthday?* Hmm i just want a simple birthday with all the people i love surrounding me.
Who do you want to see at this moment?* Him sigh
Are you mad at someone right now?* Not really. Too tired to be mad at anybody at the moment
Kill someone important to you?* wouldnt do
Love someone who's got no place in yourheart?* Wouldnt do
Eat poison for money?* Wouldnt do
Stay up the night studying for amuch-awaited present?* ?? eh much awaited present
Mock the teacher for attention?* Wouldnt do
Ruin somebody's life?* Wouldnt do
Do you watch telenovelas?* no
Do you watch adult movies?* no
Do you read books without understanding them?* LOL yes, sometimes
Do you have a teddy bear?* yes
Do you play online games?* yes
Do you like using Friendster?* yes
Do you have something missing now?* yes
Your girlfriend/boyfriend breaks upwith you. What will you do?* I'll be real sad for a while. keep myself busy and write down all the things i dont like about him. I'll slowly forget him this way and life still goes on.
You discover that your friend has been using you.* Honestly? I dont know what i'll do. I'll probably just keep quiet about it but not get too close to him or her anymore.
Someone hacked your account.* Create another account lah. But before that, curse that person properly.
Someone important to you left withoutsaying good-bye.* hmm of course i'll be sad.
Your best friend likes your crush.* I dont think i'll do anything. Feelings are not something we can control.
Your crush doesn't take notice of you.* LOL.... err well Like i said before. I'll write down all the things that i dont like about him. Read it everyday. I'll forget soon.
The dark?* Not really
Death?* To a certain degree. Yes . But this is what everyone will face eventually.
Tragedies?* yeap.
Some insects like spiders?* LOL... err tiny insects? nope. I hate frogs and lizards though. Not insect ehehehe
Your enemies?* Err i dont think i have one.
Your parents?* yes LOL. I'm a good girl * winks
Cats?* nope. Just dont like them loitering around. All they do is beg for food and sleep.
Sadako from The Ring?* *Burst out laughing. It is only an imaginary ghost created by the director.
You just wasted like probably 40 seconds of your life reading the survey??
Anyways didint really do music today besides handing up my music assignment, media studies tutorial, act as Ah lien for Idiot Nation, Swimming (Yeap again! :P), Dinner at err some chinese restaurant.
By the way i simply love chochettes by Cadbury!
It melts in your mouth and it is crunchy:) MMM
I finally understand the feeling of having nothing to do.
I should be reading for the exams but hmm
As usual ----> Procastination
Will do it soon
A complicated story:
ms A likes mr B but doesnt know if mr B likes her. At the same time, mr C and mr D likes ms A and ms A does not know what to do.
End of story---> Complicated eh??
Life is funny sometimes
I still dont get it ehehehe

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, May 28, 2007
Back for an update..
Had a wonderful weekend :)
Sis came over on saturday. Oh yeah i was hell exhausted. Caught the sleep-late fever. Sigh* My eyebags are getting worst----> O_O
Anyways i took the KTM all the way to Midvalley. Met selina there before shopping. Ate sushi for lunch. Bought quite a lot of stuff there. Shopped until about four before heading to Bukit Bintang. Spent quite a few hours at Sungai Wang, Lot 10 and some other places. Ate dinner at Done. Cam whored. Uhuh :) as usual. Oh an yeah. We had quite an experience in the public toilet that the government spent lots of money on. I just dont quite get why the government is spending so much of money on it. I wonder what happenes if someone takes more than 15 mins to do their business. LOL door opens?? and Public sees whats inside? Darn whose crazy idea was it ?
KLCC was next. Spent the rest of the day there. Oh and yeah not forgetting all the unintentional expenditures. Sigh* Dad is going to slaughter us alive.
Got home quite late. Went online, read a few magazines before turning in. Zzz:)
Sunday was quite a long one. Khairie picked us up for our movie. We were pretty late. Speaking of Pirates of The Carribean, It was not that good. If a movie can make me sleep half way through. It must be pretty boring. Storyline wasn't so good. Since POTC was overly commercialized. It is inevitable that people expects more from it. But indeed it was pretty a dissapoinment. The only thing that was okay was the graphics, special effects and the touching scenes. Other than that, nah... I'll give it a 6/10.
I do like Johny Deep though:)
And one more thing! Hans Zimmer composed for the movie once again.
Here are some of the tunes composed by Hans Zimmer:
By: Dan Goldwasser for soundtrack.net
1. Hoist the Colours (1:31)Snare drum rolls swell with a lonely chime tolling at the peak as the track begins. A boy starts to sing the A-Theme of "Hoist the Colours", a melodic pirate shanty. He is uncertain and his voice wavering at first, but then a rabble gang of pirates take over with the B-Theme, singing the lyrics: "Yo ho, all together, Hoist the Colours high / Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die!" It ends with a triumphant snare hit, and a chain rattle.
2. Singapore (3:40)A low gong softly starts the track as ethnic Asian woodwinds flit and dance, and then Sao Feng's theme is heard on the erhu. Backed by low toned strings, a fiddle adds some color, as well as some rhythmic pipe bursts and percussion softly underscoring the melody as it builds. It rolls into a determined and rhythmic ostinato of Beckett's Theme (aka the East India Trading Company Theme) on harpsichord and orchestra, as an action cue takes hold. Strong brass works around Beckett's Theme as fast Asian patterns and rhythmic ostinatos keep the momentum moving forward. It all dies down finally, leaving us with a short statement of the "Foghorn Theme" from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. The erhu and a cymbalon softly play Sao Feng's Theme again, and then a snare drum heralds in the heroic Jack Sparrow Theme from the first film, with a regal edge, including a large choir. It ends, leaving us with the new playful Jack Sparrow Theme from the second film on the cello before the track comes to a close.
3. At Wit's End (8:05)The first part of the new love theme (Love Theme A) is heard here, softly on the strings as airy atmosphere encompasses the soundscape. Tremolo strings slowly play the countermelody as hints of a music box can be heard deep in the background. Now a darkened version of the secondary section of the Love Theme is played (Love Theme B) on the low strings, and things fade down as new short-string ostinatos slowly start working towards the front. Love Theme A is now heard more heroically on the French horns (showcasing it's diversity for usage in different areas), and choir gently and ethereally takes over, with a dream-like siren quality to it, kind of like portions of The Da Vinci Code. Strings quickly swirl upwards to the main version of Love Theme B - high strings sing out while a darker and slower version of the love theme played beneath. It all ascends to a crescendo, then drops away leaving us with a snare roll and chime tolling coming in quick bursts.
Now a music box plays the Davy Jones theme as an organ plays a new countermelody on top of it. The organ slowly fades away, leaving just the music box, and then strings come in tenderly with Love Theme A as the music box changes hands and provides the backing texture. The orchestra rises back up, with a dramatic statement of the Davy Jones theme with triumphant hits and choir subtly beneath. It builds and heralds in a new action sequence.
Rhythmic ostinato in the low strings keep the pace going as French horns and brass build upwards, climaxing in a burst of choir. Dissonant strings swirl around as choir chants, and now the strings continue their ostinato as a new descending brass motif is heard ascending through the musical range (for the sake of consistency, we'll refer to this as the "World's Edge Theme"). It carries over into the strings as the choir builds, the tension is ratcheted up and everything comes to a crashing conclusion.
4. Multiple Jacks (3:51)We recover from the frenetic nature of the last track with a very odd and off-kilter cue. Ambient tones and springy-sounding bass elements with sparse percussion start to come together slowly. A low guitar tone is heard, wavering deep. Now the new quirky Jack Sparrow Theme from Dead Man's Chest is heard on harpsichord and plucked strings (along with some other weird instruments), and a bit of percussion kicks in, with off tune twangy guitars, cymbalom and other plucked instruments including a banjo. The backing chords are "off" as well, giving the music an out-of-tune, stumbling quality. Now Jack's Heroic Theme from the first film is heard, in the same weird orchestration, accentuated with an accordion. Low ambient atmospheric toned are heard as low pipes softly call out, and a new rhythm starts up with electronic pulses, percussion and some other odd sounds. It's a very modern sound, and includes pulses of grungy static modulated in the background. It slowly gains speed, and then kicks in hard for a few seconds before the track comes to an end.
5. Up is Down (2:42)Another playful track, this one starts with a brass chord that swells into a rhythmic ostinato on the strings, with a fun sliding bass line. Now fiddles come in with a playful version of what is actually Love Theme B disguised (talk about versatility!) as a complex ostinato, and then a piccolo comes in, and the brass belt out the countermelody of the B-Theme as the primary theme (we'll call it the Noble Jack Variation for clarity), and then the whole orchestra joins in as the playful nature gets larger, and now the love theme is used as a triumphant and heroic melody. The playful ostinato is back now, trading off from piccolo to oboe to bassoon, before upward rising statements of the Noble Jack Variation are heard. Once a new key has been attained, Love Theme A is back in full splendor, with big orchestra, and then the World's Edge Theme is heard briefly before the track crashes to a finale.
Went for karaoke after that. Gosh, we sang all sorts of tunes. It was hilarious!. We tried rapping the real slim shady. Turned out pretty horrible *Burst out laughing
Almost died singing. Spent more than 3 hours that. Headed home at about 2. Geez! went home with sore troat and we were all exhausted. Okay, i shall not go for karaoke for at least one month. So sick of it right now LOL
Did my music assignment this morning and i'm almost done. Think i've lost the interest in assignments.
The finals is around the corner and i'm still procastinating.
*Sigh when will i ever learn
Media studies was only about one hour plus today. Didint do much besides doing some surveys and the test questions.
Oh yeah! Went swimming after class at our condo's pool. It was great exercising again. Swam like more than 12 laps. Feels good and refreshing. I'm going to make an effort to swim every week to keep fit :)
Just came back from Asia Cafe.
Alright thats it for now. Will post up pictures when i get them from Sis. Till then adious!:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, May 26, 2007
Okay i'm all warm and fuzzed up:)
Theres this guy who sang for one of my good friend this song and his own version.
It was a very touching sight i must say LOL
This is Stephen Bishop with "It might be you"
Really admire guys who can play an instrument and sing :)
Whee! finished another assignment although probably i didint do well for it. Eiks. I was so nervous i felt like puking. Probably it was due to lacking in confidence. Sigh* Theres so much i wanted to say but ended up not saying. Situations like this happenes all the time. But i do know that i learn from experience. Hehe especially when there are people giving me encouragements. You know who you are :) Thank you kawan
I was laughing at myself for not being able to even say the word "manipulating" I was like mani-mani-mani it just didint come out. gosh! When i finally managed to say it out, it was already half a minute. LOL!
The team did great. *winks
The bomb was definitely SHAZWAN!
his impressive i must say.....
Contemporary world was absolutely boring today. Felt exhausted thanks to all the *late-night-staying-up-late-sessions*
Hung out with kenneth, elaine and sze at the cafetaria before newsroom.
Geez! and somebody was happily singing so loudly there
*Burst out laughing
I wonder who...
It was raining cats and dogs. Had dinner at some coffee shop at subang before heading home.
Hey! wait a minute...
I'm supposed to be finishing up my music assignment but feel kinda lazy to do so. EHEHEHE *grins widely
This is the first time i'm passing up someting late
Learnt the art of late submission.
According to the seniors, they pass things up late all the time hehehehe
I'm just lazing around, surfing the net, listening to music and watching a couple of movies tonight teehee:)
Till then,
Take care
ps. going out with sis tomorrow. It is going to be a long day
I did this personality test and here are the results. believe it or not. It seems pretty true
Your view on yourself:Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Oh really?? LOL whua
Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

I did this like years ago.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, May 24, 2007

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, May 17, 2007
Hey hey hey, apologise for the lack of updates. Have been pretty busy lately. It'll be worst next week. *sniffles I've got 2 presentations, one assignment and one exam. Anyways, the video is almost done. Spent such a long time just to edit the four minute video. I finally understand how much of effort and time a director spend on producing a film. It is something trully impressive and worth admiring.
We had one of the best media studies class this week. Talked about genre of films. When it comes to films, i'm simply fascinated by how people actually put everything together.
I did say that admire Stephen Spieberg's works
He is very much involved in the film industry for a long time: Producer, Director, Writer, Miscellaneous Crew, Actor, Editor, Second Unit Director or Assistant Director, Cinematographer, Visual Effects, Editorial Department, Thanks, Self, Archive Footage
According Imdb.
He have done films of many different genres.
Some of his works are,
Saving private ryan, Deep impact, Catch me if you can, Casper, Jurassic park, Men in black, The band of brothers, the letters of Iwo Jima ... etc
One of my favorite Music composer...
Hans Zimmer
He have composed music for Pirates of the carribean, batman begins, the last samurai, black hawk down, Pearl Harbor, twister...etc
These are two of my most respected people in the film industry.
Anyways had the longest wednesday and thursday. Have been coming back late just to edit the scholarship video. *Sigh *Yawns
I'm exhausted.
Went to Naili's yesterday. The ambience was fantastic. Highly recommended!.. Food is pretty okay too :).
Took lots and lots of pictures. Yeah! as usual:P
Alright then i shall be a good girl and get back to my music assignment.
Take care:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, May 12, 2007