♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, June 28, 2007
Going up to KL tomorrow for 3 days to accompany my family:). Ahh the good thing is, Malaysian Mega Sale! Bad thing is, the gang is going out tomorrow and i cant join. Sonia's going back on sunday.
Okay, Family is my priority.
I wont be able to blog during the weekends. Maybe I will if I have time.
~Argh i'm in pain. Dentist re-aligned the braces. I'm having the soft food diet once again. :(
~At least i'm good. I'm actually reading some books during the holidays to keep me occupied.
~Flu and sore throat's getting worst day by day. Ugh I'm sick and bothered by some stupid problem fo some stupid reason. Dont ask me why.
~Caught Jerry Maguire on HBO today. Watched it again because I was bored. My oppinion towards tom cruise will not change lol. Not my favorite actor:) But, the movie is romantic.
~Okay, I'm half watching prison break on channel 5 while typing this blog post. Totally lost interest in chatting online. Ugh
I shall take tones of pictures in KL and flood the blog when I come back alright. Be patient:)
Till then, nighty nights and see you soon:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥
Argh! I'm bored right now. Sigh* its 2:42am and i'm bored.
My throat feels dry and itchy. My nose is blocked.
I'm stalking blogs and playing some online games. lol My favorite have got to be fowl words on miniclip:) Its cute.
I want a new hairstyle !
Did nothing today except for sleeping, eating, reading, surfing the net and a little television.
Still comtemplating whether to go for the ball or not to go.
Currently have the fetish for stripey accessories:)
Okay this blog post is getting nowhere. I shall continue with my novel . Till then nighty:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, June 26, 2007

LOL! remember this picture ?? Monash journalism students. I look retarded here. *laughs and look at that guy behind me *laughs even more
hey I'm back. Missed me?? :)
Well, I had fun, I was sick, hmm all I can say is I have been pretty busy lately. lol
Been hanging out with my highschool buddies. Yeap, god knows how many years we have been friends. It's actually great to have close friends like them.
23rd was Fadzlin's birthday. We had a blast at TGIF. Food was great. The portion was a little too big. Goshh! WE all went home with bloated tummies. hehe Oh yeah and the highlight of the day would be the TGIF tradition for birthdays:) Fadzlin had to sing. DID it pretty well babe:) and i've recorded it down. *Evil grins. Went over to danga bay after that. Grr the so called attraction of johor. *laughs
Actually, it is beautiful at night. Look at the pictures and you'll see:) Had a sleepover at my place on that day itself. Spent the whole night chit-chatting, chit-chatting and more chattings plus one movie and a couple of spongebob series.
We were exhausted:S Woke up super early. I had this supprise plan of baking cupcakes for sonia. Went over to sze's place for some baking action. Sharv joined us after buying the ingredients. Boy, it was fun. I mean, i do bake at home but baking with friends is something really different and it seems pretty enjoyable. I was exhausted after all that. Went home and spent the whole night yawning and complaining how tired i was. lol (Cant blame me:)Didin't sleep the day before)
We arranged to meet at city square the very next day. Sonia came a little late. While waiting, we sat down at mc-donald's and as usual we gossip, chat and ogle at hawt dudes :P *laughs
We walked a little after sonia came. Dropped by to see Mon before heading home to get the cupcakes:)
Went over to sonia's house after that. Rest a little. Ate some snacks before heading to Tebrau City for dinner at Kenny Rodgers. AHH not a place for me. I dont really like the food there. It used to be better. The standard of food is definitely dropping. Headed to JPJ to get some strawberries for the smoothies but it was a wasted trip. Sigh* no more strawberries left.
It was one hell of a wild night. Had lots of vodka. Played the game of death with vodka. The 3 of them got a little drunk and they were *coughs* all insane!. hehe Recorded some stuff they did that night. Evil grins once again*
Watched Tim Burton's Beetle juice after that before turning in.
Woke up the next morning for a bowl of pretty decent laksa:) before heading to the bowling alley. Met up with Rocky. Ahh speaking of bowling, lol i still dont like it as usual:P. Ah well, at least i've improved.
It was TGIF once again!!! after that lol. This time with Rajiv joining us. It was pretty fun hanging out with them. Rocky=Funny. His too funny for his own good.
It was great. Everything was great:)
Well sonia, glad you enjoyed yourself. I had fun too. Enjoy the cupcakes alright:)
Buddies forever!
Alright, I shall allow the pictures to elaborate the rest. Till then, Have a great night everyone:)

Alyn and sze at my place

We were at the fair. Met up with sharv

This little cute boy here held my hands so many times wanting to introduce me to his brother lol!! adorable
Me and Alyn

Sze just being nutty as usual lol!

Sonia being emo:)

Food food food!

Cam whoring!

Ok they were washing their hands. WTH

Alyn on the chair! lol TGIF tradition

Birthday cake:)

Danga bay- All the pictures are not clear but I did some effects on them.

Pretty cool huh

At my place:) Sleepover

Sze's place-cupcakes baking session

Outside the box

Inside the box:)

City Square


Tebrau City-Kenny Rodgers
The two bickering partner

Me and the very gorgeous sonia:) my buddy

Presenting-The 3 drunkards:)

see what i mean? she couldnt even stand straight for a photo

Absolut Vodka

The size of cup we used for the game

The game of death:)

Me and sharv:)





Nice style

Ugh.. look at my face

Sonia singing:) on the chair