♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, August 31, 2009
I tought the Merdeka event at CQ one one of the best partying experience here at Melbourne :). Kenny Sia, Kim Ong and Lapsap were there to make it a great event. Here are some of the pictures I took yesterday night before the battery in my camera died out. Have a great week ahead folks.

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, August 29, 2009
The end of 2009 is approaching soon. With only a few months left to make this huge decision. Considering the fact that I have this crazy amount of assignments left to be completed and THESE SUBJECTS ARE INCREDIBLY CHALLENGING, how is it possible for me to find time to think.
Ahhhh weekends at home is simply torturous. Have been staring at my laptop screen typing away for 3 THREEEEEEEE consecutive days.
See you guys there:) !!!!
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Communication = not mass communication
Communication = Theories of philosophers.
Hold on a second. Not just that. We analyse human behavior, the complexities of the world, beauty and aesthetic of cultural and art products, History! anthropology! sociology! psychology! science!
Communication = Not easy at all.
I'm so annoyed by the fact that:
1: We put in a lot of effort trying to make meanings, understand and apply these theories but it doesn't gurantee us jobs.
2: Foucault, Lacan, Jacques Derrida, Sigmund Freud, Althusser, Marx AHHH screws our brain.
3: How people don't take arts/humanities and social science students seriously.
4: We can't do anything about it.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I got this from chrissipu's blog. I'm not trying to be some sort of emo kid but it makes me upset not being there. :(. You can have all the fun in the world, but at the end of the day, you still think of what matters the most---> Your family. I'm sorry for not being available at all times.
Deep inside, I love you guys so so much.

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, August 24, 2009
I love love love this song :)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, August 23, 2009

2 post in one night.
I'll just post out pictures from the outings with Lynette when she came to Melbourne (First batch. More to come) and the dinner I had with Bryan:). Good night folks!

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, August 22, 2009
This is what I did after reading some of the required readings and starting off the introduction of my first assignment this semester:
Reading back my old archieves:
I laughed so hard reading them. Geez My blog posts used to have like gazillions of full stops (Alex lol!), weird icons, quotes, and boy how colorful they are (It hurts my eyes) :S.
Those weird ass emotional moments, weird ass jakun/sakai moments. Eeks It felt quite weird and gross at the same time. *Laugh out loud.
I rarely blog these days (Sigh. I dont exactly enjoy blogging as much as I did before this). It feels like my routine have been the same for the past few months. Funny that I dont exactly have much to write about. Anyway, I'll go straight to the point I'm trying to get here. I have the biggest decision to make right now (Regarding if I would stay back in Australia). I did spend time thinking and looking at options that might be viable.
1: Doing a second degree. (Aus)
2: Doing honours. (Aus)
3: A post-graduate diploma---> Then Masters. (Malaysia)
4: Signing up for short courses (Photography, art course linked with the fashion industry and graphic designing). (Aus/Malaysia)
5: Working in Malaysia.
It's quite difficult when everything is thrown at my face forcing me to make tough decision. I have to take into consideration of every single detail. All decisions involves people around me.
I really do love living in Melbourne but at the same time miss everything I have back at home. It just hit me that I'm no longer the little girl I used to be. How convenient it used to be having dad and mum help making every possible decisions for me.
It really feels different not having the family here.
I'm not at home to book the premiere of Harry Potter and all the other possible movies Christina and I would fancy every year (sigh)
I'm not home to eat breakfast (The usual nasi lemak and otak-otak) with dad and Selina.
I'm not home to teach my brother and help my maid if my brother don't eat or bathe.
I'm not home to eat the usual "Saturday Bakuteh".
I'm not home to talk and drive mum around to run errands.
I'm not home to accompany dad and talk to him.
I'm not home to accompany grandma and grandpa.
I'm not home to talk to both my sisters. (We used to share so much. The age gap between me and Chrissipu is big but we are close and Selina?? what else can I say. We are literally twins)
It really feels weird.
On the other hand,
I love the lifestyle here in Australia. I can see myself living here for a long time.
I like how everyone here is helpful and look out for one another.
Cupcake lol.
Ahhh life.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, August 21, 2009
Everyone has a certain part of their lives,
Where they truly wish they could just freeze time.
Whether it was three years ago, today, or still to come.
Whether it was just a moment, a whole day, or a whole summer. Everyone has a time in their life, when they wish everything would just stop. The world would stop turning, and people would stop changing. Because to them, at that time, everything was perfect.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, August 10, 2009
There are a couple of movies I watched recently:
1: GI Joe
A lot of people would expect a lot from a film like this considering the fact that there are already a whole lot of super heroes/romance/action film produced before this. I do personally enjoy this film not based on how fabulous was the plot or the effect but the high entertainment value (Good looking actors (*plus point: Channing Tatum), Mixture of comedy, romance and action). I thought this film would capture the attention of mainly young kids. Big budget? high returns? Possible mainly through young consumers who makes up the biggest number in the market. This film however lacks in many aspects. 6/10 for the film.

2: Public enemies
Me and Alex were discussing on if we could classify this under the film noir category (Mafia style). It's arguable as we couldn't find any other links and signs showcasing a noir film (Femme Fatale--> women=weak, Color splash or black and white). The films lacks narrative and character. I do however love the shooting locations and the scene which resembles of the one in fight club. 7/10

3: Drag me to hell
Sam Raimi proves the be one of the good horror film directors. This film is highly entertaining----> A twist of comedy and horror. Absolutely enjoyed the film. This could possibly be a new direction in the horror genre. Good direction, plot, humour,effects. Everything was nicely pieced up. Worth watching indeed! 8/10

4: Harry Potter: Half Blood Prince
Not the best but I thought it was pretty good. Good effects, acting, cinematography. It kept me entertained. Waiting for the next installment! 7/10

5: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
I thought the movie was good but not great. The first installment was much better. Highlights: Megan Fox--> What more can I say besides having the dudes going crazy for her. Smart choice of actors, pretty good special effects and I would give a plus point for one of my favorite director (Micheal Bay). Overall 6.5/10

6: Bruno
Love it or hate it depending on the humour you enjoy. I thought the very fact that the comedy itself is bold and risky makes it a pretty good film. Unfortunately, I didin't enjoy it as much as the guys did. 6/10

7: The Hangover
I thought this film was a great one. It kept me entertained. Great narratives, acting and most importantly it's one of the best comedy film this year. 7.5/10

Other than that, I have a couple of overdue pictures. These are from various outings. Have a great week ahead everyone:).