♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It's either I'm away from home where I might not have access to the internet or I'm just lazy and bumming around the house (Don't really have much of the mood to blog considering the fact that I blog very often when I'm in Melbourne pfft).
I am super bored right now (Siblings are beside me watching Hercules on Disney -_-)
It's either I'm going to apply for a part time job for the fun of it to kill time or go for some random class such as baking or guitar (Desperate measures haha -_-). I really need to! Feels like I'm wasting a lot of time. I mean how often can I go out shopping, partying and all the other entertainment activities? It gets really boring after doing the same thing far too many times.
Anyway, I shall cut the crap.
Had quite a lot of fun during my trip to KL last week.
Went to Zouk with Jon, Selina, Ken, Sonia and Sze (:
It was a really really good night! ( Pictures from Selina's camera)
I have more pictures to upload but I left my memory card in KL. Waiting for Selina to get back so I could upload them on facebook.
Wah my dad damn chun hahaha! :P

Will be going to KL often because Grandma is not feeling very well. We are trying to keep things positive despite her feeling all the negativity. I really want her to get better. I have not been the best granddaughter at times but I really do love her.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:07 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, November 12, 2010
Got to admit that I have been pretty much out of touch on what is happening online. Haven't had much opportunity to surf the internet since moving into my new apartment. My days are filled with watching shows/films, going out, going to the gym and eating. Hopefully the whole gym thing stays ):
Everyone have been telling me that I gained weight.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 5:06 PM
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