♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Heyo folks.. whee This week rawks the da core!!... Had so much of fun throughout the whole week... I shall start off with monday till thursday. As usual hmm boring boring boring lessons. Started my LAN class this week. Malaysian studies is kinda boring grr... I was busy drawing in class instead of listening to the lecturer hiahiahia..I guess we'll be doing the same thing every week, presentations, essays, presentations, essays.. ahh!! The worst part was, i had to read out loud my stupid essay which was really bad and resulted to the over-speeding reading.. lol so ambarassing!!... You can actually see so many people leaving class after half session of it lolx we're so evil. Oh well most of the MUFY'IANS stayed so heck cares...Time for the highlight of the day . "DRUM ROLLS","CLAPPINGS"... oh yea our very own SUNWAY STUDENT AMBASSADORS have done a very good job for the BLACK AND WHITE NIGHT... before the event we went to jusco to have our lunch and to meet up with a couple of our ex-SIGS girls.. whee all of them look awesomely beautiful fooh...well i guess most of us do change a lot especially after graduating from high school because we gained more freedom to do anything we like which is the first step of life...While walking, we bumped into Nazri.. lol that guy is working at one of the furniture shop there.. chatted with him for wuite some time.. really missed those days where all of us had so much of fun during MR LIM'S chem class.. hehe Nazri, nick chai and kar jien was always the loudest boys and not to forget us and the convent girls hiahiahia... the noisiest girls :P.. i SHO miss those days haizz.. I'm old! lol Anyways went to sonia's place after dat... Her dawgs are freaking adorable and furry awh... hehe love em...So nice to have em around.. We then rushed to get ready for the party.. Szejia looked awesome that day as me and sonia.. ahem we sorta dressed her up a little... hiahiahia..all of us got pretty impatient especially sonia due to the oh-so-long traffic jam grr... we got stuck in the jam for almost 2 hours... lol couldnt stop laughing coz sonia was punching and practically whining throughtout the whole journey to sunway... hahaha.. when we reach there, hung out with alvin and the rest hehe..after eating it was PARTY TIME!!! FUUH AHH THE GIRLS WERE DANCING SO CRAZILLY.. especially RACHEL AND ASH lol... "the drunk girls" hiahiahia.... we played two games hehe one was the stepping balloon game and the other one was MISS SUNWAY haha... well we had to dress up a boy to look like a girl.. SO UHM... we choose alvin but..the guy blardy ran away lol.. we ended up picking jhia wei instead,,, LOL gosh we're so evil.. we transformed him into a girl lols.. with all the makeup, sari and other stuff... too bad he lost hahaha the prize went to the other guy who had fake breast eww... hehe oh well it was fun though... The BAND WAS AWESOOOME.... proud to say that the lead singer was my ex-PE teacher hehe.. so pretty, so talented and so sweet... SCARLET LIPS RAWKS!! they were the one who make up shake our booties so hard hehe...okie went home kinda late.. The other event will be today's carity dinner... although i was pretty exhausted after dancing too much yesterday but oh well dont wanna waste the blardy expensive dinner which cost my mother a heavy 200 bucks for each ticket!!! kinda dressed up a little, the food was fantactic, everyone looked fabulous, the jazz band was GREEAATTTT!! and definitely all the performances was good... In conclusion everything works really well for me this week... Before i sleep i shall leave some pictures i took from these events...

The lounge of eden hotel lol

Danga mall

And lastly a video i took during the black and white nite lol.. and that alvin manage to take a picture of me recording everyone.. grr and also the other video i took at secret recipe hiahiahia
Click here
Click here too...
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 1:09 AM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I need somebody to heal me.... What kinda girl do any of you see me as?? I guess its pretty easy to get to know me but its hard to get into my world because i'm always hiding a small tiny itsy bitsy part of me waiting for somebody to seriously discover it... What do you mean by having full confidence?? I'm pretty tired and exhausted of the low self-esteem days. It have resulted me to withdraw myself from so many things. I hated myself for being a follower, i hated myself for being wishy-washy, i hated myself for keeping quiet and not defending myself when i get bullied or being taken advantage of, i hated myself for not speaking out when i'm supposed to, i hated myself being too shy, i hated myself for worrying too much about how the others think of me, i hates myself for not being confident based on my looks and personality, I hated myself for thinking that i'm dumb, i hated myself for being blur and clumsy, I hated myself for not being able to express out how i really feel,I hated myself for being too quiet sometimes, i hated myself because i dont have the courage to make the first move. I seriously dont know what to do with my life..Help me to build up my confidence.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 1:28 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Heyo folks... uhuh Its been one hell of another tiring week... whee Finally get to rest today!!..Sho gonna make full use of it.. hiahiahia Anyways had like 7 hours of class almost everyday ..REally STRESSED sial.. To make matter worst, i'm so sick of taking that long waiting, brokened chair bus!! grr. Taking the bus everyday is killing me hehe i know i'm sounding like i'm exaggerating a little tooo much but oh well wait till you try it out then you'll know what i mean hehe:P. One of my friend told us about the "guys falls in love through their eyes and girls falls in love through their ears" which i believed is sho true.. We falls for guys who praises us with their sweet talks and guys who makes us feel good about ourself by giving us confidence.. It have been pretty like a tradition and a trend that most people nowadays are only attracted to the physical look of the opposite sex.. Does true love only requires good looks?.. Based on my oppinion, I guess I'd rather search for the one with good characters rather than a good looking one. We are talking about sharing, and accepting each other for who we really are. If the feeling are there, looks doesnt matter any more and if there is any changes, we wouldnt even bother as well. I guess different people have different oppinions and they might look at things at a different point of view. Okay i shall get back to my main reason for blogging today . Well have been going out quite a couple of tiimes but the best one have got to be going to singapore and the badminton outing i must say. SHOOPPINGG!! whoo SINGAPPORE and i'm talking about the SALES in SINGAPORE! ... Things can get really cheap when it comes to the point of having sales.. Seeing all the colourful, fascinating and beautiful clothes really tempted me sho much.. Haiz but i guess before you even buy anything you've gotta think about the Money right?? How hard Money is being earned? I guess we should cut down a little from the spendings to at least help our folks a little. Okie the scenery of SINGAPORE was simply breathtaking and fabulous. Everything there seems to be extremely modern. The roads, the bus stops, the buildings and not forgetting the shopping malls are all looking sho awesome. Well i guess the government over there knows how to spend the country money wisely as they have transformed singapore into a very modern and successful country. Oh well, i still love MALAYSIA anyways. Each country have their own attractions. "Malaysia Truely Asia"! hehehe... Okie we shall move on to the oh sho- fun, exciting and tiring badminton gathering whee!! Aiyah I totally ruined the gathering lah... Played so badly, had cramps, stomach problems, no stamina due to walking too much in Singapore... What the !! hmm okay okay the matter of fact is the gathering was extremely fun!! Hehe! with Kenneth around.. whua that guy can actually make you laugh non- stop... we've had some funny movements such as kenneth doing the martial arts act, two person squatting down being scared of the shuttle and it ended up going in between LOL, The mysterious egg of Sin nee which have just rolled out of nowhere... ahh things were just so amazingly hilarious!:P Enjoyed it alot... MUFY rawks!... Oh yeah i just came back from another trip to singapore... Leg hurts like crazy!! Bought some tops and dresses as well.. hehe anyways i shall leave you guys with some pictures we took...
Me and Christina:P

Shes sho cute

Err ??

lol we were in front of the lift

Our Snoopy potato chips :P

Shes my angel

Us again hiahiahia

Sales!! whoo

Ngee Ann Poly

Our lunch!

Orchard Road

LOLjason moved so err Blurry...

Look!! how semangat they are hehe

She doesnt know about this shh...
LOL szejia took alvin's pic
The two gorgeous babes
Lastly a video of our badminton game check it out hehe
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 9:12 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, April 16, 2006

heyo folks! yeap again its been like almost a week since i've blogged.. Guess i've been pretty LAZY lately lol .. Couldnt even move my fingers .. Ahh i'm gaining weight!! Have been slacking so much.... grr I guess i'll never stop that whiney attitude of mine eh.. bear wiht it ya people lol...Hmm so what have i been up to this whole week?.. well as usual have been going to college, homeworks, assignments,eating, sleeping, hanging out with friends and oh yea i managed to catch quite a couple of movies throughout this whole week.. whee just love the feeling of my gorgeous sis coming back.. miss her so bad.. she bought me some goodies and i'm lovin it :P *winx ... okie apart from all that, the highlights will be the tiring, muscle aching, stamina losing badminton outing with ma classmates... Darn! cant deny the fact that i'm unfit grr.. cant blame me for that huh?? Havent been exercising frequently before this ehehe...Seriously regretted not following my mum to jog whenever she asked me to .. grr all i cared was my warm and cosy bed.. ahh gotta stop my lazy behavior if not i'll transform into a big fat lump very soon... ehehe:P Ahh if i were to rate the whole outing i will rate it as 8/10!! It was fun to see people smashing, sweating and even people chasing one another lol.... We should arrange for more of such outing whee!... Other than that i have been wtaching so many DVD'S with my sista... It was quite a fun week to be exact besides getting back all my "oh -so- terrible" results grr... Gotta put in much more effort for the next one i guess.. ehehe i;m such a procastinator...Oh yea HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! went to church as usual... It was indeed a beautiful night as candles were lightened up, everybody was all dressed up and the newly baptised people... I was mesmerised by the soothing and brilliant voices of the choir team and the young folks who never fail to produce great performances... what and awesome night indeed.... although it ended quite late... as for today woke up late as usual hiahiahia....didint have much to do so here i am typing.. I would like to take this oppurtunity to congratulate MY INTERACT JUNIORS FOR WINNING THE NATIONAL LEVEL YOUNG ACHIEVERS AWARD!! WHEE... you guys have gained glory for SIGS... Finally something to be proud of after suffering so much in the past trying to make the club a success... Hard work deinitely pays off... Sharveen i you heard that???? Our hard work paid off!!...okay i shall end my post now gonna go out soon... adious!!

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 3:13 PM
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