♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Since i mentioned about the Rain concert, hehe so this is for all you rain fans although i'm not really one. This song is pretty okay. Except i dont know why is it called "In my bed" .
Ohh la la yeah yeah! i got my connection back... whee Lol i know i'm exaggerating a little. Thanks to that stupid modem and ethernet card of mine. Thanked god we got it all fixed up hehe... Anyways i wanted to blog last week when my internet connection was still okay but was kinda lazy to do so. Ahem. Anyways it was a pretty good week for me i must say. Erm except for the fact that, If you didint know, i put on braces just recently. lol so you guys are going to see a different me. Eiks tell you what, at first it was quite a painful process for me. I couldnt eat well, couldnt talk well and i had cuts too. Hehe. But now i'm all good. Got used to it already. Attended my cousin's wedding last week. The bride looked gorgeous and cousin looked real good too hehe. Indeed very compatible. Food was great(except for the fact that i couldnt touch them lol. It was bad bad bad especially when you have so much of temptation in front of you) and everything else was well planned too. Had a great night making up for the girls. hehe hopefully my makeup skills is up to the standard. *May their love last for eternity and may god bless them always* awh seeing couples get married was definitely something really really nice and sweet. Mum just came back today from penang and i'm glad to hear that my grandpa is recovering fast. hehe :P. I passed my driving pre-test and i'm going for the actual one on the 29th this month. Wish me luck:).
A big big big congratulations to our national badminton team for doing well in the Malaysian open Super series. Koo kien keat& tan boon heong plus wong mew choo did really well to enter the finals! Whee Hopefully they'll do well for the korean open too:)
Will be going up to kl this friday to check out the condo that i'll be staying at and to have some fun with my sister!. hehe cant wait to shop for our new year clothes.
(Rain and wang lee hom will be performing in malaysia. lol Everyone is making such a big fuss about it. I see comercials everywhere. People giving out free tickets. whua.... Anyways I'll try to get tickets for the wang lee hom one in march.)
Met Jiajiunn at city square the other day to pass him his EZ link card. He wanted to go to singapore to check out the poly which offers the course that he have dreamed of taking all these while. *Anyways good luck dude. You'll definitely get it if you dare to dream. HEhe dont forget to give us free air tickets when you become successful.
I have been busy coming up with logo designs for "The BWF logo design competition" as the due date is nearing. Hopefully its up to standard.
Till then take care alright:P Have a great week people

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, January 15, 2007
Love the way he plays his piano. This song is a good way of showing out his talent
Funny but i'm getting a little upset right now. My grandpa is in the operating theatre right now. Hopefully things will turn out well for him as it is quite a big operation. I'm really worried. His a great great great grandpa. Soft at heart and never fails to bring us joy everytime we visit him and grandma. God, please help him.
I just watched " The Curse of the golden Flower " recently. It wasnt bad neither it was good. Acting wasnt so good i supposed eventough Jay Chou was in it. The good thing about the movie is, the costumes and itenary. Everything looks really good and grand. Costume designs were undeniably impressive. Overall, It was 2 and 1/2 out of 5 stars for me.
Had a sleepover at sonia's house few days back. Went to City square and Tebrau City to shop. Bought quite a number of stuff which was way off my limit. Spent our time chatting online, talking, gossiping, eating and playing "CLUEDO". Speaking of cluedo, I'm kinda addicted to it. Its sorta fun to play. Sonia is leaving for Aussie. Hopefully things will turn out well for her:P. Wish you all the best babe. Remember: Our SUNWAY LAGOON outing??. We'll go there before you leave alright.
January have been pretty slow moving for me. Didint do much. Everyday seems pretty boring and i've been doing the same routine almost everyday. Driving, watching Tv series,Surfing the net,eating and lazing around. Have been sleeping real late and waking up real LATE TOO! Ahh what a life.. It have been raining non-stop too!.. Wonder when is it ever going to stop. The flood is getting bad everywhere around Johor. Better pray hard for it to stop, if not more people will lose their homes.
I will be going off to KL in February. Starting off a new semester in University. Books books books again. SIGH* Thank god that i have quite a number of friends over there to hang out with. Not forgetting new friends:P Guess it wouldnt be so bad minus the fact that we have to do our own laundry, clean our own place and cook our own meals.. hehe Alright, that will not be much of a problem. It part of the growing up process. Will not rant about it.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS, I WILL BE ABLE TO WATCH ALL THE BADMINTON TOURNAMENTS IN KL hehe... Including the KL World badminton championship:P. Shopping there would be GOOD TOO. Minus the fact that KL is much more dangerous than JB. Got to be extra extra careful. I will be taking part in the "BWF LOGO design competition" organised by the world badminton federation to gain some experience. Wish me luck
Just a short post. I'm still waiting for news on my GRANDPA. Mum is there to take care of him. Till then, Take care ...

Grandpa and Chrissipu

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, January 08, 2007
Its a very romantic song *melts Oliver James have got this real great voice

From one of the scenes of "The Haunted Apartment"

Material girls

Haylie and Hillary Duff

Love Wrecked

Wedding Crashers

Cuppacakes!! ahh i took this from their site

Koo kien keat and Tan boon heong

Malaysian Open!! took this from the BAM site hehe

My idol!! Zang Toi

His creations

Another one

One of his stores

My beloved dad and Joshiepoo

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Well i guess thats the end of year 2006. Another wonderful year have passed. It is indeed one hell of an interesting year filled with memories worth while to be remembered. Bitter or sweet, I still cherished every single moments. At least it teaches me how to be stronger in life. Alright a brief summary of year 2006:
~The year i first started my college life. Being a so called *Freshie*. Things was different at first. But eventually i got used to the life. Met new friends, Gain lotsa new experience:1;Designed banner,Shirts, wallpapers for the college, Student ambassadors,Events, and so many more..,Ive also met DJ'S from 987 FM and Hitz.FM,Saw some familiar faces,Techers were all great,Black and White Night,Singapore science centre,Prom,Gatherings,Outings and so so so so many more. Now that i'm moving ahead and being one step closer to my dreams. --->University. Guess i'll have to start everything afresh. New environment,New friends,New place.
~Family and friends: Got closer to everyone. They have been such great people helping me and supporting me in every ways. New year, Chinese new year, Valentines, Birthday, Christmas and every other celebrations. They stood by me and never fail to make these celebrations worth while to be remembered. Shopping,badminton,bowling,movies:are things that we love doing almost every month. hehe.
~I've learnt how to love, accept,forgive and forget.
Phew!! What a year man. :P Now that its year 2007, here are my dreams and things that i want:
1:Get a new laptop, handphone.
2:Get a degree
3:Selina to successfully get hew law degree
4:Christina to get 5 A's for UPSR
5:Dad and mum's business to go up a level and be healthy always.
6:Add in more designs into my collections
7:A boyfriend who will love me for me and accept me for my imperfections.
8:A new car lol after getting my license
9:Hope that my friends will achieve their dreams too:P
10:Everyone to be safe and sound
11:More clothes and accesories hehehe
12:Ipod video
13:A new sneakers
14:New flip flops
15:New bag
16:Sze,Shar, and sonia will find the right guy.
17:Build up confidence level
18:World Badminton Championship (KL Malaysia 2007) hehe
20:Coloured contacts
LOL i guess thats about it.Cant think of anymore. If i have more, I'll add them later on hehe.
Alright, Selina's friends came over on saturday and we had to bring them around and introduce to them all Johor's attraction. Brought them to Singapore,Holiday Plaza to get some DVD's,The famous artist house(His my idol: all of his artwork are worth at least 5 digits ahem imagine!. His artworks are shown in the opera gallery in Paris, SOHO:New York, Singapore and many many other places. I bought two sets of postcards which features some of his artworks. I'll post up pictures of them when i have time),Tebrau City to shop, Brought them to George and Dragon for New year's eve dinner and countdown in Eden Hotel. New year's eve was great for me. Went over to George and Dragon for dinner with Auntie Agnes, Ryan,Randall, and of course my family+selina's friend. Gawd, my dad spent 400 bucks just for that meal itself. LOL Boy it was weird as there were like 6 girls and 2 boys. So there was less chance for us to talk to Randall and Ryan. After that, we went to Eden for the countdown party. Dad paid another 443 bucks for the countdown!!. It wasnt so bad except for the fact that they played lotsa weird songs and they were lotsa Auntie and uncle hehehe. We danced, Drinked,Took pictures, Ate junkies and walked around. Went home at about 2 something. Hehe I had to wake up early yesterday coz i'm supposed to meet up with Thor for our Girls outing. Bought some stuff,Had much with some other girls and watched a movie(Seed Of the Darkness. Well it wasnt bad neither it was good. You've got to really concentrate to understand the story. Quite okay for a Malaysian production and since there was Amber Chia and Vick Teo in it!! hehe) . Saw lots of people in City Square. Nicholas called me. Thinked he saw me. Sorry dude! i couldnt hear you well in the shop. Theres something wrong with my mobile phone. No matter how loud i set it to be, its still very very soft. Gotta send it for repair soon sigh*. Sorry sarah janie,Didint notice you were there too. I guess theres nothing much to talk about today. Its a boring day. Should be going out with nicholas tomorrow before he goes back to Sydney. Wanna watch Night at The Museum so badly!. Alright till then, leave you with some pictures. Tata!
PS: Shao chong did you receive more than 90 smses on new year's eve? haha

The kids at the front. Jeffery,his friend and the guitarist at the back

Them again but without Jeffery


The crowd

The crowd

The cuttest Hippo ever hehehe

Selina, Baby Chrissy and me

Me, selina and Chia xin

Baby Chrissy and me

Selina and her friends

Them again hahah


Selina and her friend

Mum, Me and Selina

Selina and me