♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Confused, confused, confused. Why is it that at some point of your life, you feel confuse over so many things. People claimed that they know what you want but it always ended up being likewise. Being nice doesn't mean anything. I treat everyone equally if you ask for my help or somebody to listen to. I get misunderstood often
I'm unpredictable, Yes I know.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Yesh. I Adore britney spears dispite all the bad news and dissings.
Here are some of the pictures from the supprise birthday party. I will not be able to blog much until after my final examination. Till then, take care everyone:)

The cake that Khairi got for me. Chocolate banana. Yummm

Random picture

Random picture 2


♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, October 28, 2007
This is a blog post from Xin Nee. Thank you so much. Muahh muahhh. lol I exceptionally love birthday gifts like that. It does not have to be something you use money to buy. My favorite would be personal made gifts or just a simple birthday message. :) It's just who I am. I find gifts like that more meaningful and special.
"Today is our photoshop expert, Karina's birthday. Haha... Karina, if u read this post, m gonna ask u to teach me more abt photoshop when i get back. So... be prepared!! haha... Anyway, hope u hav a reali fun day today. Stay pretty, stay funky.... and Good luck for ur exams. Hope u hav improve a bit in ur bowling skills. It's ok if u din, coz i will 'wash' d longkang with u, so dun worry. Ohyah, we muz go for badminton one day ya.haha..."
To Xin nee: I will teach you how to do some photoshop tricks when you come back from Australia. Dont worry. I did have a great time during my birthday. It was in fact the most memorable one. Hmm I'm not sure if I have improved in my bowling skills though. Probably not. Alright. We'll get into the "longkang" together. Promise yeah:). Sure will. What is Mufy without our badminton outings. I missed you guys so much. Thank you once again yah. Good luck for your upcoming finals. Hugs
Friends for eternity
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, October 27, 2007

It is often that we hear people saying how girls should have somebody to rely or depend on. That would be the stereotype Ideal situation. Honestly, I personally feel that girls should learn how to be independent. It makes us stronger. Therefore, we will not be known as weak people and we are able to handle challenging situations.
I had a great day. Went over to the library for a discussion on the exam topics. It is so much more enjoyable to have people you feel comfortable with being around you. Weiliang and alex definitely crack us up. Rico on the other hand, was hyper today. Ritual views sucks to the core.
It probably took us hours debating without coming up with one decent conclusion. Sigh
Had steamboat with them after that. It would be the first time I see people fighting over chicken wings served on the buffet table. Honestly, it sounds ridiculous. However, it does make sense because it tasted so so so good that everyone fights for it. Me and Weiliang were scooping and digging the chicken out alongside so many other people. The rest were just busy laughing at us. hahaha!
There was an egg cooking fight that went on between alex and weiliang. These guys are just being so funny:P
Alright I have nothing much to blog about. I'll be back for more soon. Till then:)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, October 26, 2007

I had the most memorable birthday having close friends celebrating with me yesterday and today.
Words will not be able to explain how touched and happy I feel right now.
To daddy, Mummy, Christina, Joshua and of course Selina:)
Thank you so much for all your wishes. Our bond have no doubt grew stronger day by day. I have learnt to love and share. All of you meant a lot to me and I am glad that I am able to spend this special day each year having great blessings from each and everyone of you.
To Szejia, Sharveen and Sonia (All of my best friends)
I'm simply touched by how each year I am able to spend my birthday with you guys no matter where all of us may be. There are endless of suprises each year. Thank you so much and I love you guys. May our friendship grow. 7 years and still going strong. :)
To all mu MUFY mates
Jason, Alvin, Rachel, Natalie, Aaron and Jeane. Thank you so much for all the wonderful moments and birthday wishes. I feel blessed knowing each and every one of you. Hope we'll still keep in touch like we will always do. Friends forever:)
To all my highschool friends
Janice, Thor, My juniors, Jenny, Alagam. Lynette Thank for all the wishes. Highschool moments are the best moments of my life. I cherished each and everyone of you.
To Colin and Shan
Words cant describe how I feel right now. You guys never fail to wish me every single year. Our friendship have grown so much. I have never felt more than lucky to have you guys in my life. Love you guys so much.
To Eng jiun
Thank you so much for your birthday wish. :) It has been a great 7 years knowing you. hehe Sorry if i have ever hurt you but i'm surely glad that i've met you.
To all my Monashians,
Alex,Weiliang, Kim Ha lim, Rico, Khairi, Kenneth, Aurora, Afiq, Mr Wong, Jeremy, Lynette, Elaine, Eddie
I've grown to like my university life with each and everyone of you being by my side. Hope things will work out just fine for all of you. All the very best in your final examination:)
I had a pleasant supprise from my coursemates last night. While Sharveen was counting down for me to my birthday, the electricity of our house went off. With much curiosity, I decided to check what was wrong. Out of nowhere, I saw candle lights and my course mates started singing the birthday song. LOL!!
Thank you alex and sze jia for planning such a pleasant supprise for me:)
Weiliang: Thank you for coming all the way from Kelana Jaya.
Jeremy and Rachel: Thank you for your gift, your songs and your guitar
Khairi: Thank you so so so much for the very meaningful and special cake:) Anything anything lah haiyoh:P
Kim Ha Lim: Thank you for your korean dish and Your soju:)

Went to Flams in pyramid for some drinks and dancing actions. Had a great great night.
Went over to the Apartment at the curve the next day.
Thank you all once again. I love you guys.
I'll leave some pictures over here. Till then. Sweet dreams:)
This is where we ate during szejia's birthday. Weird name though. Hotmama at sungai wang


My new baby:) New piano scores

The supprise party:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, October 23, 2007

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, October 15, 2007
These are the pictures I took with all my siblings before Selina left for UK.

I had a great sunday. Stayed at Holiday Villa with the family. Shopped at Midvalley and KLCC. Went over to Aquaria once again. The whole area was crowded with tourists. Ate at Spring Garden. Did some shopping.
I'm back in Indah Villa again :(
Alright, I'll let the pictures elaborate the rest. Till then. :)