♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, May 30, 2008

You know. I honestly hate the feeling of being guilty. If only people could be more honest to one another. Things would have been so much more easier. It beats gossiping and allowing them to find out things they shouldn't know. You spend time trying to salvage situations which has already been an utter mess. If things don't work out. You spend time feeling guilty and sorry what you have done or said. Oh well. People should be honest about how they feel for each other. If there is anything your not satisfy on, don't gossip but to tell that person directly in a polite manner (Not rudely). No harm trying unless if that certain someone completely rejects criticisms (Which is pretty rare) You know, it is only recently I found out that being honest is not completely bad. I used to have that coward side of me that further aggravates situation (I am afraid of revealing my inner thoughts or hurting anyone) Such behavior does not help at all. The more you hide, the more people will find out.
Oh by the way, I am not just referring to bad habits but other human feelings as well. Be honest to what you feel.
The futsal session went on well yesterday. The feeling of excitement and enthusiasm was there. Everyone was enjoying and laughing their way. Alright, I might not be a professional futsal player or the best out there but I still tried lol. Beats sitting down and doing nothing right?
Ahh yes and thanks to liang, we had transport for lunch, cendol, dinner and going back home. yay! cendol was awesome. Thank you so much:) I won't fight so much for the properties anymore since your being good lol
Yikes. I'm not progressing much in the assignment due soon. Ugh. The internet is distracting me. Ahh yes virtual world. As much as I want to admit that the virtual world is superficial, I just can't help it but to continue using. It's simply hard to explain.
Ok. I need to stop now lol. Back to business. Have a great weekend everyone:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ahh yes,
The video shoot I went along with several girls went on well. If you don't know which video am I referring to, I'm actually one of the girls featured in the music video of a Malaysian Indian band: The Villanz. I'm not sure though how the video will turn out to be. There were many scenes to be taken at so many different places. I have never done anything thats requires so much of energy and time. ugh But well, it's just for the fun of it and gaining more experience. The video would probably be launching soon on Hitz.TV and some other channels. Youtube as well.

The car used for the video. Looks like a pimp's car lol

On a brighter note, Selina is coming back soon. She just finished her final examination. yay!
You know, I really do want to leave something nice on my blog but I just can't seems to find anything to write about. In other words, I am feeling a little empty right now. Oh yes I know. You get the empty feeling often as well? Well here I am wishing that I could have done better at certain aspects of life. Well mind you, some things are beyond what I can control. I do wish that I would have a better social life (Nah). I have sufficient amount of friend I place my trust on. Unless I come across people that are sincere about having a friendship. You see, I choose not to have too much of a social life and this is all because I don't see the need of being popular or getting all exhausted trying to compete with one another on who is doing better. Not only that. I just don't like the fact that people have to try hard having different personalities just to fit in different groups. It's stressful having people judging and having to be play different roles all the time. You also have to suck up to people's expectations. Oh yes. I see the point here. It's a dog eat dog world. Without a social life, your a nobody and yes, you lose much more opportunities in life as compared to the others. Sometimes I really wonder why, but there isn't any explanation at all. You just have to follow what people does. I feel that human beings are being constrained by so many values and aspects.
There are always stereotypical thoughts of every single aspects.
The beautiful and the ugly.
The fat and the thin.
The smart and the stupid.
The rich and the poor.
Arts and science.
The popular and the unknown.
High culture and low culture.
Well, I believe not one person could ever come up with a conclusion to why all these exist. It's just there. We are controlled by what we learn from our surroundings. We are what we learn. Ugh Yes It is a stressful world.
With this, I end my post. Oh yes I did managed to actually write something considering the fact that I feel the lack of inspirations. Anyway, have a great week everyone:)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, May 22, 2008
The only thing which I did not like about going back to Johor would be having back the gastric attack which I haven't had for years. I had one on Saturday night. It was pretty bad: I had to bear with the pain throughout the whole night. It got better the next day with medication.
Now I'm back at square one. Grr I'm down with fever, migraine, flu and cough. wth=_= I just thought that this week would be a great one and now this...
Anyway, I skipped PR yesterday and mobile worlds today. Ugh Now I need more time in catching up with what I have missed. I am quite satisfied with my film studies assignment's mark.
ugh and David Cook won American Idol as expected judging from the online voting. I'm not practicing favoritism here but I do think that David Archuleta deserved it more the Cook mainly because we already have a lot of rockers in the music industry and you won't be able to deny the fact that Archuleta did much better as compared to Cook in the 3 final performances.

As for the outcome of Thomas cup. As expected, China won the Cup yet again. I really think that Malaysia would give a better challenge to the Chinese team as compared to the Korean team. We have the potential of winning in fact. However, it is sad that the draw of the Cup turns out to be a bad one for the Malaysian contingent. What a waste. sigh......
Anyway, just a short update. I'll be back for more:) Have a great day everyone. As for now, I need some rest.
Ps: Selina, lol well when you come back to Malaysia I'll cook for you hehe. Thats for sure and we'll do all the things that we missed out on. Take good care of yourself and see you soon:)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, May 21, 2008
No doubt that even a perfectly ordinary person would somehow experience their ups and downs. Like everybody else, I do sometimes spend my time thinking of how things would have been better if only---> The question of if only constantly appears. Yes. At the end of the day, everything will still be the same. Nothing would change. It's pretty much impossible to change anything at all. I never really thought of how things are not as simple as it may seems like on the surface. It's frightening as you grow only to realize that nothing is how you planned or imagined to be.
and Yes. What can we do? Besides moving on and learning rather than just thinking about how things would have been better. Thats just how the world works. You fall back if you don't move on.
On a brighter note, I did enjoy myself during my short break in JB.
It's just wonderful to hear Little Josh singing Alicia Keys-No one (He's current favorite song). How adorable he is :)
Little kids never fails to amaze me (Their purity and innocence is so special)
Little chris on the other hand is still that cute little sister of mine. Shes pretty much someone full of creativity and intelligence. Shes the one I could be random and talk crap to. lol ugh HEY don't mind me being childish here but it beats being all too matured and serious right? =P

Ahh yes no to forget the parents and the food. :)
It's my mum's birthday today. What a pity that I can't be there to celebrate with her. But well, I'll make it up to her when she comes up to kl:)
Food: Had seafood, sushi, home cook food, and lots if snacks back in Johor.
Cooked rice dumplings for the siblings the night before going back to KL.

The train ride back to KL is in incredibly long one. Supposedly, we are scheduled to reach KL by 2:14 but we reached KL at 5!! What a big difference. Anyway, I had to rush for film studies lecture. Only managed to watch a quarter of the movie :Demonlover. I don't really understand the link of the film with film history though. I bet the guys enjoyed this one lol. ahem soft porn elements.

Alright. Thats all for now. I'll be back for more. Till then, Take care everyone.:)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, May 17, 2008
We came close in winning the semi-final match against the formidable China team. A defeat of 3-2 is simply a close one. Lee chong wei gave out an impressive fight winning the first point for Malaysia with a straight set win against Lin dan. (He was consistent in his game not giving rooms for Lin Dan to attack. It was the other way round instead. Chong wei was doing all the attacks forcing Lin Dan to make errors.) This victory is definitely an impressive one. Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong played under expectation. Koo was indeed consistent but Boon Heong however, let his nerves get the better of him. Making so many unforced errors. What a big disappointment. It was crucial for this pair to deliver the winning point. Wong Choong Hann is no doubt my favorite player of all time but I have to say that he could have done better. Perhaps age have caught up with him. Being 31 years of age, the ability to stay quick and alert would naturally decrease. I am absolutely proud with Zakry and Fairuz though. It was a brilliant game. They were great in attacking. The Chinese pair was not able to counter the attacks. Great massive straight set win. Hafiz on the other hand once again failed with a disappointing defeat. He is inconsistent and lack of sporting spirit.
Win or lose, I'm pretty proud of the outcome. At least it shows some improvement in the team.
I'm now back in Johor enjoying my weekend lol after an exhausting week filled with assignments and exam.
grr. There will be more after this.
Alright, I'll be back for more. I'm going out soon. Till then, have a great weekend everyone:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, May 09, 2008
Sin city is disturbing but genius: Violence plays a big part of the movie. There were mutated bodies, gore, blood and brutal killings. However, Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller and Quentin Tarantino without a doubt have came up with a brilliant adaptation of the graphic novel. The film is somewhat a comic book brought to life. Film/Neo noir plays an important role as the film contains elements from such genre with a modern touch. Black and white yet blended with splashes of colors touched by the sophistication of technology. I was deeply engrossed to the storyline of the film: "The Hard Goodbye", "The Yellow Bastard" and "The Big Fat Kill". Frames were used in all scenes (It resembles the one found in comic books). A combination of great editing, famous celebrities (Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Clive Owen and Brittany Murphy) and several auteur have made this film a huge success. I reckon it is one of the best graphic novel adaptation so far. Since comic books adaptations are increasingly high in demand, the film industry finds way to cater the needs of audiences.
I highly recommend this film if your a movie lover. Not for those who is easily offended (Femme fatale in the film is an antagonist and yes, these female characters are usually bad. There is at least one femme fatale in every noir films) This would probably offend feminists. Not for those who would not be able to bear the sight of gore, body parts and blood as this film----> Would probably make you nauseous.

I finally completed the heavy film studies assignment. Visual test is next and I can't wait for the holidays:) There is just so much to be done. I'm currently putting all on hold. The final exams is getting closer. *yikes T.T
Alright, I need some rest now. Spent so much of time completing the assignment. Till then, Have a great night everyone:)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, May 01, 2008
I went for the Malaysian Dreamgirls finale on Tuesday and boy the result sure is a disappointing one. Cindy won, Adeline---> first runner up and Hanis (My favorite contestant)---->Third runner up.
The hub's birthday was a blast. Went over to Bar Celona. The place however was incredibly crowded. There wasn't even enough places for all of us to dance. Oh yeah. A lot of people got rather tipsy and drunk lol Especially the birthday boy. Well, we all have fun once in a while on a special occasion. I would like to take this opportunity to again wish liang:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY:) Thank you for everything. The party, the company and the ride to school. You rock!
Just a short update. Will be back for more. For the time being, here are some pictures. I'll post out the rest some other day. Have a great week ahead everyone:)
My family came up to KL on Thursday. We all stayed at a hotel in KL. Had fun with the two adorable creature:)I just came back to Indah Villa not long ago. ugh T.T

Lol! I know damn poser=_= but well. Everyone wants a picture with Ha Lim's Sunnies:) Taken during hub's party. Will post out the rest of the party pictures soon.