♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, March 16, 2006
One cannot step twice into the same river,
for the water into which you first stepped has flowed on

Yo folks...I'm dying of BOREDOM!.. grr yeap indeed , it is the March break!.. come on aint it supposed to be fun ?? No way..I'm rotting badly, you can even see spider webs everywhere. Just to highlight what i've been doing throughout this whole week..We had our class movie gathering on last friday..Pretty happy i must say as it was my first time organising an outing. lol although it wasnt like the bowling outing where more people turned up..Hmm we ended up picking the Blardy, No standard,No ending, No meaning "Heirloom".. Grr It wasnt frightening or anything . It was just plain STUPID! lol... But oh well we had a great time due to the "SCREAM" that szejia let out.. At the same time, blame it on Kenneth too.. He couldnt stop teasing her and my name got into the teasings as well.. WHat Currychicken!!... lol that guy is hell funny making everything so hilarious.. Okay hes smart too . Got the highest for chemistry. 94!!! wow impressive indeed...Poor Hunloong, lol he have to drive everyone home..Okie... Went out again on saturday to settle the T-shirt issue at cs. Ate at the"KOPITIAM" MMM my fav..At the same time, my dad and selina went to sunway for the open day thing. Got some of my results. Oh well not too bad.. The proudest should be for COMPUTER SCIENCE!! whee i got like 91! lol.. Thanks to Alex... okie after that my cousins came over again. Went for a movie with them... Watched FINAL DESTINATION3!! grr it was HELL GORY and GROSS!!.. I couldnt stop hiding my face underneath my jacket... lol The worst part was i should say when Frank got killed.. eww he got smashed up and hes head fell off lol... Okay the less scary part would be the two girls that got burned by the tanning machine.. they were dumb!! Putting a drink in the room when they shouldnt grr.. That killed them.. Poor Kevin, Hes face got sliced off.. Oh yea, there was this part, one of the girl got shoot by god knows how many thick nails. All piercing through her from top to toe.. and the worst part was she could still give out a loud scream.. lol and that lewis guy he got killed by the swords in the gym.. Yeap hes precious head got sliced off... eww Okay overall its quite a nice movie i must say minus all the super gory parts. Quite enjoyable indeed. On sunday, We sent selina off at the airport. Sobs miss her so badly. After that, grr me and one of my cousin rotted badly. lol He didint want to go back to singapore so early so everyone left him here instead. We had a long chat about everything. Hes new life in singapore. I guess their still not used to everything. Everything is different from Canada. Ehehe cultural shock and all.. bless them... Oh yeah I got my SPM results already.pretty happy about it.. lol Satisfactory level... Everyone from my school got pretty good results.. whee!! SIGS ROCKS we are once again one of the top schools in Johor state... Okay here i am still rotting throughout this whole holidays... grr..Okay i shall end my post now.. Going out tomorrow whee!!!! with all my highschool mates.. so excited lol.. okie adious!!
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 3:03 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, March 06, 2006
True strength is being able to hold it all together,
when everyone else is expecting you to fall apart 

Heyo folks.. well I just got back home from College.. ehehe went shopping at Plaza Pelangi for a while.. bout a new skirt whee. Hmm okay woke up super di duper early today "as usual" .. Taking the bus is all about sacrificing your sleep... torturous sial..the worst part is, it seems like everyone is going for their driving test or either lessons.. When am i going to? haizz I'm still waiting for my dad to confirm my lessons... eiks Malu sial. Oh well that can wait who cares.. Back to business. Well I was pretty tired this morning which results to not concentrating much during chemistry class.. She was teaching us how to create and balance up our chemical equition and i was yawning all the way.. geez what a bad student i am... Other than that, yikes she said that many of us did quite bad for our topic test!!! WONDER WHAT I GOT???
*Banging head against the wall and running around like spasticated chicken.... Save me... okay again Kenneth, sing li and sin nee, these three amazingly smart people got like 17 over 20... WOW!! hmm wonder what did they actually did man?? drinking ABOTT GROW?? lol nah i guess it comes to the point that hard work definitely pay off... I'm just a little lazy i guess... DAMN!! gotta change that bad habit of mine if not i'll never ever get good grades... Hmm oh yea ENGLISH TIME!! always THE BEST PART lol... Miss Lucy is seriously one of the most interesting teacher i've ever come across.. lol she just creates a very fun atmosphere of learning... Indeed all of us enjoyed her class the most... Firstly, Yiki did his presentation on AIDS lol at least thats a new topic... ahem the highlight of the day was definitely Jia Wei's topic *Drum rolls yeap SEX EDUCATION..lol it was quite an interesting and gross one at the same time.. Why did i say it was gross... ?? Well it was because of his gruesome pictures which scare the hell out of teacher as well.. hehe okay at least it was better than the abortion pictures.. EWW i had problem eating after that particular presentation...Okay he did well so WELL DONE.. another people following Aaron and Kenneth's footsteps... Alright, we were discussing about all the topics on personnel writing... hiahiahia.. teacher was saying soemthing about her most ambarresing moment.. lol It was about 20 years ago.. She fell down at the wet market and went home with a wet backside.. Poor teacher aih.. There wasn't anyone willing to help her up.. okay this portrays how "good" Malaysian's are huh?.. Theres gonna be some action being taken by the government... At least parents should give out proper guidance towards their children and schools should also instill proper moral educations. Okay okay better stop the moral thing before anyone falls asleep... After class, as usual, me, Sin nee , Sze, Jason, Hunloong, Jiawei, Alvin, Kenneth and Aaron went out for our lunch. Ate "PRAWN MEE" lol.. not too bad except for the half cooked egg EWW....Wonder what are we eating tomorrow?? lol Okay greedy me i shall stop for the time being because I'M HAVING MY MATHS TEST TOMORROW!!! ISH HATE TEST sial... and SPM RESULTS are coming out in 6 days time...*Heart attack and pengsan on the ground... :P Till then , take care folks!!!
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 3:47 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, March 05, 2006
♥Love me or hate me
I dont care♥

heyo folks.. okay i'm still as busy as ever lol... hmm where shall i start.. well not gonna rant much about college...oh yea i finally did my blardy presentation... it was hell awful lol.. i suck in it actually. Hmm looks like the fear upon speaking to a crowd is fading quickly. Felt kinda relieved actually. I tought things might ended up differently.But oh well, not as bad as what i expected it to be. Sin nee did an awesome job. YOU GO GURL! hehe... and the highlight was definitely kenneth .. crap he have done sucha great job!... memorising everything and presenting it superbly.. indeed very IMPRESSIVE i must say... okay besides that my test.. oh yea my TEST! eiks.... well Chem was easier than what i expected... but ACCOUNTS STINKS lol.. i screwed it up totally.. ehehe blame it on my "last minute studying" great... "HOW HARD WORKING AM I" right!.. haizz I've gotta stop being a procastinator. I'm already in college but i'm still as lazy as ever!... sigh* i'm sucha freak lol..:P... Oh yea Marcus came over to our place again.. lol its was fun! was spent hours playing fowl words, pool, movies.. and yea we went to the church yesterday.. hehe we actually have to get that ash wednesday thing done... haha imagine us walking around with silver ashes sticking on our foreheads... ehehe... After church went dinner and then went shopping.. aiyah it was an exhausted day man... ehem we've done lotsa walking ... Up and down and that causes me to wake up like super di duper late this morning... yikes i'm having my maths test on tuesday! Cant believe this I totally sucked in it... I need a tutor! sigh... save me :P hahaha i'm whiney i know.... One more thing! darn streamyx stinks.... I've been having problems connecting to the internet especially during rainy days... GRR gonna complain badly... hmm see what are they gonna do about it... lol"MAKE THEM GIVE ME A NEW MODEM" lol i'm bad i know... was just kidding... Yippie! the holidays are coming ... Cant wait for that hehe... I'm a lazybum i know i know... :P one more thing "SPM RESULTS ARE COMING OUT ON NEXT MONDAY!" ahhh i'm freaking out right now... what is gonna happen>? what am i gonna get??? thinking of what i'm gonna get or how all my classmates are gonna cry on that day.. lolx yea we're gonna miss each other so badly especially now when eveyrone is going away... *sniffles... sad sad.. so saddening... oh well i shall end my post now.. till then! take care and bless me folks hehe :P
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:35 PM
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