Couture ME <3


♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lexy, Lexy oh Lexy, haha you finally turned 21 on the 28th of November. -_- It's so hard to not get to know you because all these years for some strange reason, we are always in the same class, same group discussion, took the same subjects, same orientation group, same film making workshop group ...... Why ahh?
haha oh well, I'm thankful for all that (:

Thanks for being the person that you are.
Those oh-so-fond memories:

~Having our msn chat battle ( ): you always beat me in this damnnn. and call me lousy ): haha!)

~Msn voice clips HAHA

~Webcam and group conferencing

~Penang trip hahahaha (ahem I got to know so many stuff about you)

~Thailand trip (MINUS the ugly and disgusting yellow shirt + people HAHA)
~Our bitching session (Man I feel bad now :S ) haha
~Our movie outingsssssss, our shopping outingsssss, our makan outingssssss

~Film editing sessions (Working with you on the subtitles :O , MY phone ahem ahem remember??)
~You coming over to Indah villa and I have to make milo for you + talk to you so that you won't be afraid walking down the stairs :P )
~-_- I gave you the same-old-karina-style birthday present : tinsel (the shiny shiny thing HAHA ) plus old style karina hand-drawn card :P two years ago and you just reminded me about it recently HAHAHA

~You and your arsenal heart shape icon :P
~Sharing youtube, wong fu vids

~You always laugh at me eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why why why!

~Jay chou singing moments

~Wake up call (-_- I remember you scaring me by picking up my wake up call and start laughing ugh)

~partying sessions (:O ten thousand partying sessions with you)

~Boo wuu~, lexy, anirak, xela the warrior HAHAHAHA
~I will always remember this grrrrrrr : 9 and 7.5 in INT T.T Ahhhh too much to list down.

haha Anyway you get the picture yeah?
Thanks for always being there when I needed someone to talk to and most importantly stay Alex (: Dont ever change.

Happy Birthday xoxo *Hugs

From the ever sotakutjalanrayagirl,yourtemantoquietnessandnottalkinginclass and thegirlwhoalwaystalkaboutbeingglamarousandnotbeingun-glam, and your lao peng you: Curryna

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 12:55 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's ironic that I find it hard to say no to people even if it's not what I truely want. It makes me wonder that is it worth the time and energy doing so much and yet not feel completely happy about it.

I have been pretty busy ever since the completion of my degree program. There sure are a lot of end of the year babies :S.

and yes. I am finally graduating. Graduating is big deal for me. The ceremony is something I look forward to because there will be people I love witnessing and feeling proud of what I have done and achieved. Can't wait!

I'm so addicted to this version of the song: Joy Enriquez~ Tell me how you feel

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:22 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I walked alone

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 10:58 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It is not fair that people can't have the best things in life all at once. When one comes, the other goes.
People come and go but it's not fair that the friendships I held so dearly to my heart are slipping away from me. People changes according to time and I can't help but to feel upset over the lost of times we once had. How I miss those moments. I'm not saying that everything that I have now are not what I yearned for but sometimes people never stop wishing that they could have everything. The fact that we will never be fully satisfied forms the greed within. (It's frustrating thanks to the notion of perfectionism)

ahh how strange.. It would be great if everything is instantly solvable.

One more chapter and I'm done.
One more exam and I'm done.
Sonia's coming this Friday. Alva san is coming this thursday.
yay! (: we shall have all the fun as part of our reward for studying.
Hello Bikinis and beaches, shopping, movies, Karaoke, Parties, Mufy aussie gathering......

One step closer towards graduation.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:40 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, November 08, 2009

Human beings are vulnerable.

We live, we experience, we love and we die. Drastic life experiences could alter human behaviours. In many occasions we take things for granted without realising how precious people or things might be. I see a lot of parents spending endless time sacrificing and yet children not appreciating. Moulding and nurturing is not an easy task. It takes a lot of courage, patience and time.

We also spend too much of time obsessing over a lot of things that probably not even worth the time. We get obsessed over looking good, looking for the perfect partner, intelligence and social codes and conducts in attempt of portraying the "perfect" human being. The irony here is that despite knowing that the "perfect" human being is just merely a construction, we still nevertheless try to fulfill such ideal figure.
We live around the repeating cycle of expectations and responsibilities without being able to get out of it. It is not surprising that many would prefer to rebel against them.
Sometimes I wonder where has the cheerful and sociable side of me gone to. I used to love having a lot of friends around me but now it's just me being the awfully quiet girl heading towards the anti-social world.
Have I been too caught up with portraying the perfect girl? Judgements, expectations and responsibilities have always been my biggest fear. Does being size 0 matters?

At the end of the day, it finally hit me that these expectations doesn't matter at all. It's ultimately our own decision to decide how we want to live.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 12:47 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I went on a random girl's outing with Booger Jia today and boy it sure was fun. Everything we did were random decisions: Walked around High Street, Glenferrie Road and Prahran before heading to Jam Factory for our "All about Steve" movie (: . We went grocery shopping at Thomas Dux and dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant.
I had so much of fun. It's been quite some time since we last had something like this. A pretty productive day indeed *smiles.

Here are a couple of romance films I watched:
500 Days of Summer: It is one of the best films of the year. The plot of the film is brilliant and realistic. Not your typical fairytale romance film. I love the concept of the whole film. The stylist did a great job too in making both Joseph Gordan Levitt (He is so cute) and Zooey Deschanel look amazing. Oh and the soundtrack is awesome too. 8.5/10

PS I love you: It is a very romantic film. oh oh and Gerard Butler *drools. Need I say more?? *beams. Only the narratives of the film stands out. The rest of filmic aspects are pretty average. It did work for me though knowing that I'm a sucker for romance films (:. The film made Gerard Butler look super hot ( haha a big guy like him portraying a man who is deeply in love makes him attractive and yes the film made him look good) 6/10

All about Steve: The film is funny but it is probably one of the worst film this year :S. It really didint' work for me. Poor storyline, poor acting, and it definitely lacks in many aspects. 4/10

The Time Traveler's Wife next. Anyone?? hehe

oh oh oh and there is a new adition to my snow globe family (: yay!
Meet Mr pumpkin, mr mummy and mr ghost: Karina, Alex and Szejia. hehe Thanks Alva San. So cuteeee (:



Spring rolls mmm
Beef noodles
Ate this while waiting for the movie to start hehe.

Snow globes (:

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 11:50 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, November 02, 2009

I'm thankful for the good friends that I have.
I'm thankful that they know me well enough to tell me if I'm right or wrong.
I'm thankful that they accept me for who I am.
I'm thankful that they make everyday feels less lonely and special.
I'm thankful enough they were there
and I'm thankful because they listen

so Thank you(:

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 12:32 PM

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