♥ K a r i n a ♥
Saturday, October 28, 2006
I love this song. It from the korea tv series Goong(princess hours) Its called:Stay
Okay just a quick post. I've removed my tag board and changed it to a comment box. Do leave my some comments if you have one:P. As for my prom dress. I have been planning to wear black for a long long time. Its a sexy, elagant and yet classy colour. I found a couple of prom dress yesterday that are worth thinking about rather than just looking at my designs. I've got a couple of tailor numbers. Should be confirming by next week. Whee! Mum is going to help me with it. Till then i'm back to the books lol.. Cant wait for the finals to be over:P adious!

I'm considering the white one. But changing the colour to black lol. Its gorgeous

Great patterns
Simple and elegant
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:30 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, October 27, 2006
And so the last day of college ended well enough with much satisfaction and emotions. I remember vividly how i first started my journey in sunway as a "freshie" without having any idea of how a college life would be like. A huge building image emerged as i got down dad's car. The rate of my heart beat was increasing dramatically and i felt millions of butterfly in my stomach. As days goes by, i slowly got used to the life of a college student. I've met a couple of people who have left footprints in my life. Its might have just merely been a short ten months but the experience i've gained is enough to put me through to a higher level in life. Which is to get into a University. I know that there are people who comes in and out of our life. I have learnt through mistakes. I have seen people from all walks of life. Now that i'm 18, there will certainly be more challenging occasions in life that i will have to face. Sounds pretty scary sometimes as more responsibilities will start coming in. Wait a minute! am i ready?.. I bet i'll definitely miss all the good old childhood memories. Everything during that time seems so relaxing and enjoyable. Purity and inocence filled our days during that time. We have such great imaginations of how wonderful life would be. Robots, magics, fairies.. Hmm does that sounds familiar to you?. A person can only be young once so we should treasure all things that comes in life and not try to waste our life by indulging ourselves in negativity. God have been kind enough to put in great people in my life to guide me through the darkest moments of life. I have the family that i truely loved. I have great great pals who i can count on. I've met so many incredibly wonderful people in life. I'm proudly to say that i'm all ready for the thoughest challenge i might face in life. Courage and persevarance is all we need to defeat them against all odds.
A message to all my fellow classmates.
From the very first day of college,
my heart beat was incredibly fast,
I've once fear of starting a new life in a new environment,
Just than, a miracle happened.
My mindset changed.
It happened when i met you guys.
All the group outings,
All the lunches,
All the laughters,
All the tears,
All the anger,
All the jokes,
These are everything i will carry along as i move on the journey of life.
We all know that everybody would have to go on our own separate ways,
This is the time when we make plans for our future.
This is the phase that all have got to go through.
I will not forget,
Will not forget anything.
Thank all of you for all the good times.
To all MUFY jan and march intake students. I sincerely wish you all the best in your future endevours. Keep in touch aite:P
By the way, we took many many pictures today. I will post them up after my finals.
Lastly yeah i would still like to thank all the people who made my birthday so memorable. lol
Part 2, haha
Jiajun, thanks for creating a blog entry specially for my birthday. Chauwei, thanks for you birthday testimonial. Really missed Mr lee's class alot. Thank you faridah and jenny for your testimonials. Theenesh, thank you for your belated sms lol.. Have fun in nilai dude. and and everyone who wished me on msn yesterday.. You guys rawks!!:P Take care and good bless
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 4:53 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Hey folks... Yeah i'm officially 18 lol.. sobs* i'm old.. Finally reached the legal age of a young adult.. Although finals are just a few days away.. I'm still undeniably feeling absolutely touched and happy as my classmates still managed to bring back a smile on my face eventhough they are all busy mugging. Not to forget all my good buddies. They were the ones who never fails to remember my birthday. So thank ya"all. Shan, Your a really really nice and sweet guy. It's my pleasure getting to know you and yeah my our friendship last aite? lol. Khirsty, thank you for all your sweet smses. You have been a great great junior.. Your a very nice girl. Shawn J, whoa we've come a long long way as friends ever since form 1. You have been a great friend, really miss those chat on the phone sessions. Wish you all the best in your future endevours. To Colin, lol okay its been great getting to know you ever since Mrs chee's tuition period. Your definitely a nice dude. Thanks for wishing me once again this year. God bless. To lynette, yeah! SIGS rawks.. Your a great great girl. Your definitely capable to doing alot of things. I can already picture you as a successful women in the near future. To two of my best friends, sharveen and szejia, you guys have always been there for me when i needed you guys. Bitter or sweet. I'll cherish them for life. May you guys find your price charming soon hehe. To Rachel, Jeane, Jason, Xin nee, Aaron, Alvin, yeap thank you for your wonderful presant. I truely cherish it. You guys were them one who made sunway life so interesting and yet memorable. To Dad and Mum, you guys have been the biggest role models of my life. Definitely my biggest inspirations as well. I love you guys more than anyone else in the world. Thanks for sacrificing so much to put me to where i am today. To Selina, my gorgeous elder sis. You are definitely one of the most important people in my life. You have been both my sister and my best friend at the same time. I'll always be there to support you in everything you do in life. To Baby sis Christina and baby brother joshua. You have bring me so much of joy in life. I never could have imagine life at home without you guys being in it hehe. Thank you for your cute wishes christina and and and thank you joshua for your wonderful birthday kiss.* screams so cute..:P
Thank all of you for your SMSes, presents, calls and testimonials. I truelly cherish them a lot. If i forgotten to mention your name above i'm sorry yah.. It doesnt mean that i dont care yah..
Here is the best birthday gift i got this year. Its from my sister Selina. Heres what she wrote about me in her blog. It nearly put me to tears. I just copied them from her blog.
I don't make birthday dedications but today's an exception because its curryna's birthday (: Happy Birthday Curryna *giggles* you're finally legal . Okay i'll just cut the crap. Karina is my angel who's always there for me. Have always been so kind-hearted to everyone unlike me. Her friends would agree with me on that. She puts her family and friends first all the time . Oh well, she have seen me in so many ways so i respect her for still accepting me for who i really really am (: From my heart, I seriously cannot imagine my life without you. Its true man when they say that sisterhood are like the bestest gift ever. I guess i'm getting mushy .. I wanted to upload a picture of you but the connection here today is lousy ):once againHAPPY BIRTHDAY KARINA !
Yeap sis i do agree with you that sisterhood is the greatest gift god could ever give. I truely cherished every single moments we've gone through. LIFE would not be perfect without you. You will always be that special someone whom i'll always look up to. Love you muaks.. ish mushyness but thats what i really meant from the bottem of my heart..
Have a great week people:P
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 11:36 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hey sorry people. I promised i wouldnt be blogging until after the finals but but but i'm doing this during my study break. No harm right? lol anyways i will post up pictures of my prom dress design as well as some other prom dresses which i find gorgeous. Have a great week people and for MUFY students, All the very best for your finals!:P

A tube dress with opening on the bottom center part

Simple yet elegant

The opening at the front is similar to my design

LOL a little too skimpy but yet gorgeous

simple and elegant

These shoes are so pretty
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 4:53 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, October 19, 2006
well i felt rather sad today as trials results was pretty bad. It was way a big big dissapointment. But that doesnt gives anyone the rights to mock at me. You have no rights to judge me based on how i look, what grades i achieved, or how i carry myself. Certain people might be rather bad when it comes to expressing their ownself. I shall not be bothered with how people portray me as because i have true friends who i can truely count on. So a huge thanks to jason, Xin nee and szejia. They have been such great friends. lol. People might misunderstood us as the noisiest bunch of group in class. Thats how we make ourselves happy as we laughs at what we talked about. These people are the ones who are always there for me everytime i feel awful. Unlike those hypocrites who comes to you only when they needed you and just dissapear when you needed them. At least i have genuine friends. It is not about being the cool group or any other labels you may label a group. It is about being genuine.
I may not be the best when it comes to academics but i have something else to offer. Nobody is born with nothing. We all have something to offer. Each individual is unique in their own ways. I shall only focus on my finals right now.No more shows, friendster,blog and all sorts of entertainment. This shall be my last post untill after finals. Take care folks:P
Oh yeah i love this song:
Saving Jane-Come down to me
Words fall out of my mouth
And I can’t seem to trace what I’m saying
Everybody wants your time
I’m just dreaming out loud,
I can’t have you for mine and I know it
I just wanna watch you shine.
Tripping up on my tongue,It’s all over my face and I’m racing
Gotta get away from you
Burning all the way home,Try to put it to bed but it chases
Every little thing I do
When the light falls on your face,Don’t let it change you
When the stars get in your eyes,Don’t let them blind you.
You’re beautiful
Just the way you are
And I love it all
Every line, and every scar
And I wish that I could make you see
This is where you ought to be,Come down to me.
Spell it out in a song,
Bet you never catch on to my weakness
I’m singing every word for you.
Here I’m thinking I’m sly
Then you’re catching my eye, and just maybe You’re thinking what I’m thinking too
When you see it on my face, Don’t let it shake you
I know better than to try and Take you with me.
To listen to it:
Click Here!Pictures from the orphanage

I chose her to be my partner for the day because i felt that she needed more love and care. Well she might be different, but she is definitely special in her own ways.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 6:28 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
hola folks, okay i know that i've abandoned my blog for such a long time. I shall roughly blog about events throughout this whole period. First of all, allow me to whine about how terrible the haze have been. How can i not complain when there are people falling sick, we're breathing in unhealthy air, buildings are almost not visible.. and and and so many more!. Indonesia should seriously carry out imediate actions to curb such unwanted problem. It seems like the neighbouring countries are the victims. I havent have much time due to the heavy heavy studying sessions. Since the finals are only two weeks from now, the pressure, tension, fear filled the atmosphere of sunway college. Havent seen them studying as hard as this before. Hopefully things will go on smoothly and everybody will pass with flying colours:P I cant help thinking about the holidays after finals! whee.... Everything is coming to an end and i'm leaving home soon. Well it is undeniably scary when you are on your own stepping out of your comfort zone. You are indeed exposed to the positivive and the negative side of humanity. Oh well i shall not complain as everybody have got to go through this phase. .........................Last week was a pretty eventful week as we had a couple of bowling sessions and and and the birthday steamboat dinner lol. Yeap it was the double A day hehe.. Know whats that?? well actually both the birthday boys haven names starting with tthe leter "A".. Food was great. I totally gained some extra weight :P aih aih aih. need to think of ways on how to get back in shape again hehe..bought the cake and the presents for them. Spent like 3 hours designing their cards and wrapping up their gifts. ehehe DIY. Thats why it took longer. Cam whored! lol. Ehem* who doesnt like cam whoring. The two birthday boys got their face splattered with blueberry cake. Yumm lol poor dudes. The highlight of the event was definitely meeting someone we could never have imagined meeting there .. ahem our "beloved" "mother". Oh well it was FRIDAY THE 13TH right?? lol.. Okay i'm mean but but but shes worst off.. "coughs*.. Poor us, we had to endure her naggy tone for almost one year... lol aih who cares at least the birthday boys were happy. Touched eh after reading the cards?? hehe ..................The next day was definitely a fruitful day as we visited the orphanage. Glad that we managed to bring a smile back to their faces. lol Everytime you do a good deed bet you will feel the great sense of satisfaction. We played games, danced( err the shake butt song lol), talked to them and gave them presents. It was just so enjoyable and yet meaningful. HOpe to see them again soon hehe. Missed them so much(especially the baby girl) *screams! shes so so sho sho sho cute. We are lucky people as we dont have to go through what they are going through. Should be grateful and to cherish all the people around us but not take them for granted. Okay like is great *winks hehe:P.. Should not complain that much as we are not the one suffering the most.. Yeap we all went back happilly. Ate great lunch after that :P............................Prom is coming up on december after the graduation high-tea event. Hmm ahem* the big question is who am i going with?.. lol sheesh i'm not sure yet. We'll see. I only have the finals in my mind right now. So better study and get everything done first before enjoying. I shall stop as it is dinner time right now. Have a great week people!:)Pictures galore!

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 4:38 PM
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