♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, April 28, 2008
Sorry for the lack of updates. Yeap. The usual thing. Busy busy busy!
Anyway, I am absolutely happy that the dancing crew did an amazing job during the Monash Street carnival this year. The amount of time spent practicing----> worthwhile. The friendship I found from there is simply valuable. We had so much of laughters and joy being around each other. It's just like being in one big family. Glad that our choreography works like magic.
The carnival started out a little boring at the beginning but turn out differently at night as there were more people and more great performances going on. No doubt that it is not easy putting up such a big event like this. I give credits to the MUSA members.
labor day holiday is coming. The family will be up. At least I can take a short break from all the assignments. Second year is a tough nut to crack.
I just watched the weirdest movie called Gummo during my film studies lecture. I had a hard time trying to figure out what the movie is all about. Well, the outcome----> 0 I have absolutely no idea.
Psycho was so much more predictable (An Alfred Hitchcock's film). The scare effect in the movie is pretty mild I would say. haha Comparing to many of the thrillers these days. Ahh yes. Technology. But it's pretty good.
Thats all for now. I'll try to post out pictures soon. Till then, Have a great week ahead:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, April 19, 2008
The road trip to Chow Kit was an eye opening experience. Never have I actually thought of how much the sex workers, Homosexuals, Transsexuals and HIV positive are going through. It takes a lot of courage for them to come out as who there really are and I absolutely admire them for what they have done. The Pink Triangle foundation have done a lot for these vulnerable communities. We are now talking about human rights. How these people are being discriminated. We all know that everything that is not our usual habits, we consider them as weird or unusual. But, have you ever thought of how these people might feel? No doubt, it all depends on our cultural values. (Yes, Authorship have taught me that everything we do are scripted within our cultural and language. Anything that is not in our cultural and language, we consider them as unusual.0_0) This experience have somehow made me realized that we should not discriminate them and should give them at least some chance to feel accepted in the community.
It is indeed a very educational road trip. (We has some "demonstrations" of how to practice safe sex as well lol)
Nothing much but an update of how I felt after the road trip. Another great point would be making plenty of new friends. The trip is a memorable one.
I shall now have some rest. I'm feeling the exhaustion after walking for quite a distance. Till then, have a great night everyone:)
The pictures are taken using my Motorola Razr V3XX. Picture quality is not that good. Wanted to bring out the SLR but since it's a gangster area, I don't really want to take the risk.

Have been following Americal Idol updates on youtube since there is no television here at KL:(. Well yay! David Archuleta sailed through smoothly to the next round once again with a great rendition of Mariah Carey's : When you believe.
The results of Asian Badminton Championship ----> Big big disappointment with all shuttlers losing their matches. Indeed a very bad outing for the Malaysian team. Sigh. What a big setback.

♥ K a r i n a ♥
I feel like I'm always the shadow behind somebody. There will never be times where people know that I'm actually there. Every time when things happens, I prefer to keep quiet than to voice out. (This makes me look like the bad ones all the time even if I'm not wrong) It's strange that the world works this way. You have to be outspoken and one of those aggressive ones to survive. If your slow, your left behind. Sometimes I wonder why does it have to work this way.
Somebody said that: "There are more witches and poison apples in this world then prince charming or snow white"
It is because of such expectations that certain people feels that they are the outcast.
Everyone is competing to show how great their life is. But, I don't see the point.
A lot of people are being misunderstood just because they are not how everyone expect them to be.
I might be shy, a little soft when I response, A little quiet, A little too conscious of people's opinion.... That doesn't mean that I'm trying to be arrogant or anything else. Sometimes, people find it hard to express out their thoughts.
The world is full of judgments. Yes you might think that I go too deep into details. But well, thats just how I am. It's hard to follow because it gets tiring.
Okay it's getting late. I need some sleep. Going for the road trip tomorrow. Have a great night everyone
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The sense of satisfaction emerged upon the submission of the authorship assignment. Never knew that romantic poetries are difficult to analyze on. Consider the fact that all the methods are viable but problematic. Like what Dr Andrew said that this is definitely not a second year subject. I absolutely agree with that. The sleepless nights and languorous days have finally paid off. We are now touching on a new chapter on autobiography, biography and autobiographical novels. The relationship and differences between them. As usual, there are problems with all 3 of them. They say that artistic people think differently and so much in-depth. 0_0
Okay, I shall stop talking about Authorship. Don't really want to turn my blog into an educational one. =_=
Anyway, I had a blasting time during Natasha's 20th birthday. It was a last minute decision (Since it was Nat's birthday, yeah We all went:) ) Twentyone Bar is a place of great ambiance without a doubt. However,It wasn't all that great as the crowd was overwhelming (We were all surrounded by people just like a can of sardines) lol.
Swiched places. (To Maison). I was already tired. Had some dance and cam-whore session before heading back home.
Alright. I have an early class tomorrow. Till then, have a great night everyone:)
Here are the pictures of the party from Simon and "Hub" Liang. There are a lot of random shots(I had one with me yawning. Lol I'll save some of them for my own viewings :P. Yes I yawned in a club=_=). Some appears pretty blur.

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, April 10, 2008
I have been incredibly busy lately with (well yes, the usual) tons of assignments and attending dance practices for the street carnival. (I look funny popping lol) Having to juggle both at the same time, it gets pretty tiring sometimes. But well, hope both will go on smoothly. I won't be attending the Asian Badminton Championship. Don't really have the permission to go back to the hometown. Will be attending the road trip to Chow Kit instead. It will certainly be an eye opening experience.
It's easy to find a boyfriend/girlfriend but it is hard to find the "One"
Have to admit that what Rach said make sense.
Alright, just a short update. I have to complete my Authorship assignment. Have a great night everyone:)
ps: Check this guy out. He is pretty talented:)
Chris Cendana
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, April 06, 2008
These are the pictures from the trip I had with Sonia and Sze Jia. Pictures are from Sonia's camera.