♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Addictive song. Love it!
Thursdays are always boring. LOL Woke up early for Contemporary world's lecture. Almost slept during the documentary. Went for lunch with the guys and rachel. Went back to Uni. Cam whored while waiting for rachel's class to begin. Went for a drink and came back home. LOL alright. My day was boring but at least i did something.
Met Kenneth. Talked a little. Out of the blue he goes like :"What is that over there?!!" Pointing at the black item lying next to the flower pot.
Guess what was it
lol it was already dead but totally gross
Having this mini party at the poolside tomorrow with some Uni mates before heading for steamboat.
Alright, i'm feeling a little tired right now. Time for nap!:) Take care

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 4:10 PM
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I'm sorry i didint have much time to type out a blog post. Assignments are piling up once again. I totally have to go through my sleep-late days all over again. *Sigh. American Music's assignment! finally passed it up today(Practically "Tembak" my way through LOL!). I had a pretty rough day. I must be real 'Smart' to choose American music as my elective. Darn! I hate it when it comes to musical terminologies. For every songs we listen to in class, there is always a couple of questions we have to answer. I struggled today as i'm not really a pro in it. I'll still at the stage of getting to know and understanding them. Thanked god we dont actually have a test together with the other major subjects. Coming back from the holidays =Tragedy! . Okay, probably i'm exagerrating a little. There are pros and cons coming back here. You see, KL=shopping!. So you get my point:) Well, to be honest, that is not entirely the reason. I have some pretty good friends here too *winks. The bad part is=You dont get home cook food(Food here is expensive and god knows why am i eating so much over here) Geez. That explains the extra weight gained. *Sigh. Not only that, the weather here is pretty unpredictable. You will never know what is coming up next LOL. I have been going out alot, learning alot, and attending events organized by the uni. Rachel's boyfriend came over and stayed for a couple of days. We spent thursday playing at the pool along with jason, alvin and sze. Headed to Murni *AGAIN! after that. I had like the medium size mango special plus the roti bacon. Went home with a bloated stomach. Then comes friday!=Midvalley. hehe went there after newsroom class (class was pretty interesting. He was asking us all the questions related to the topics we choose for our assignment). Ate at Annalaksmi and bought a bag there. Spent the rest of the time trying out different outfits hehe *bluek :PI really liked the gowns from Authur yen and summerset bay hehehe. Crap! Met up with my sister after that and got back home happily whee!. HIGHLIGHTS: Saturday was great. Attended the video making workshop. Learnt how to use the camcorder. Did our very first short film and learnt how to use the video editing software. Overall was great. Eddie, Meng Yoe, Dr yeoh, and Fikri was great! hehehe The most important thing is! We officially get the permission to use the media room. Me and Sze will be editing the videos shot during some workshop and during the COM bash. Hopefully it will turn out okay. The MTV live concert was next. People from all ages crowds the whole place. The bad thing is we left halfway. Couldnt bear with the mix scent *ahem haha you get what i mean and those craze fans. Yikes!. Went for supper at Mc Donalds after that before heading back home. Spent sunday at Sunway Pyramid. Sundays are always boring LOL. Had movie marathon for two consecutive days. Watched all the chick flicks hehe. Not going to talk about monday and tuesday because i spent both of the days doing assignments hehe.
I'm now cracking my head over all the other assignments. I have 2 due next week and some more due during the following week. Darn!
oHH yeah! one more thing haha... Media studies tutorial on tuesday was fun !. We had to create a newspaper with all the articles we want to put in it.
TOMYAM ! *Ahem
Anyways I shall post up some pictures and get to bed before getting swollen eyes . Have a great week !:)

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:08 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Cute song:)
I finally have some time to drop a post in my oh so abandoned blog LOL. Anyways the holidays have been fantastic so far. I enjoyed the fact that i'm back home with my family again. You see, when I'm with them, It means that i get: money, good food and of course, time to catch up. I'll start with what went on during the Formula one race. The weather was scortching hot and the worst part was, we were there about five hours earlier. Got a couple of Ferrari's merchandise, ate and slept while waiting for the race to began. At about 12:45, the Porche race began. After the porche race, there were the cultural show and some other stuff going on. Finally!, at 3, the race began with the two formidable Mclaren drivers leading and then Kimi Raikonen was third. (Ahem! somebody once told me that Kimi raikonen is hot. I wonder who that is LOL) By the way. It ended with a win by Mclaren's alonso. No doubt, Ferrari had many supporters( Including me:P). Almost everyone from the crowd was one. Oh well, there is always a chance in Bahrain during the next race. Alright, afetr the race have ended, we were caught in a massive jam. Got lost. Didint know the way to Nilai. Wanted to meet up with my sister before heading back. Miraculously found our way there. Ate dinner before meeting her. Had a refreshing bath there before heading back to JB. Then came monday. Woke up pretty late and the parents wanted to bring us out for DimSum breakfast because i was craving for it:). *Slurp. It was Yummilicious:P. Went to look at a couple of show houses before heading home. Didint do much that day. Spent almost the whole day watching Tv series ehehehe. Met up with my Highschool buddies on tuesday. Uhuh, thats what we'll always do during the holidays. Since Sonia's back from Aussie, We wanted to find out more from her about her experiences in Aussie. Hmm sounds pretty interesting. I definitely would want to consider going there. Of course!. Had so much fun with the girls. Yeah! As usual, Veen and Sze enjoys bickering and making fun of each other LOL. At least i know that sometimes old friends are still the best. We understand and accept each other the way we are. Most importantly! We enjoyed each other's company. We would spend hours talking about guys, gossiping, shopping, watching a DVD and so many other stuff. Anyways, as i was saying, the outing was fun. Veen had to head back home early to complete her assignments. She couldnt join us for our movie. Watched Mr Bean's "The Holiday". Gosh!. I wouldnt say that it would be the perfect movie to watch. The storyline were predictable. Some of the scenes were from episodes that we have watched previosly. It was pretty stupid as well. If you are searching for a film just for pure laughter. Watch it. If you are not. Dont watch it LOL. Walked a little after the movie before sitting down for a drink. I was craving for hot chocolate. Ordered Choc-o cino. Gosh! they made it too sweet. Dad and Chrissipu came over to pick me up. As usual, i spent the entire tuesday night watching Tv and surfing the net. Woke up real late yesterday. LOL. Oh well. Cant blame me. Too much of late night sleeps :P. The reason of me staying at home most of the time was being sick and having heat rash all thanks to Formula one *sobbies. For the pst few days, i have been feeling dizzy probably because of being anemic. Hopefully i'll be fine before going back to KL. I had dentist appointment today. Changed the wire of my braces to a thicker one. I have to start adjusting to the new wire once again. LOL. Its such a hassle having braces done. Anyways i'll be flying back to KL on sunday morning then its hectic life once again.
The results on the Asian Badminton Championship is so far so good. Almost everyone got through to the next round except for a couple of casualties during the qualifying rounds. Hope for the best. I'll be seeing the team maybe on saturday.
Ahem: Somebody called me today. You know what, He spent most of the time complaining about how boring JB is. LOL. Come on dude! each states has its own attraction. The good thing about JB is that the lifestyle here is not as hectic as KL's. The food and the people here is great. You can always go over to Singapore to shop and hang out. I'll spank you if you ever complain again LOL. By the way, Thanks for the concern kawan!.
I'll leave you with some pictures taken during the orientation bash. Ash gave me some pictures that i've taken with her too! hehe sorry babe for not uploading it in such a long time. Havent have much time to do photoshopping
Will add on some more when i get hold of all the pictures. Till then, Take care:)

Me and Ash during our prom:which was like ages ago LOL

At church during christmas last year

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:12 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, April 06, 2007
I finally understand that being simple might not be a good thing. You will not be able to think further, you are easily taken advantage of, you believe in things easily... etc DARN! I think that is my biggest flaw. I am not a confident person because i am easily intimidated by people. Okay like wong chin huat said, we have to start thinking like a criminal. Hmm so i shall think like one from now on muahaha:). Well had contemporary world and journalism tutorial today. Gosh contemp was fun today. It was hilarious! We had to act out a larry king live show! LOL. Yash was Stalin, Sze was Wilson and Hiranya was Hitler. I was among the holocaust group. So we were tyring to bombard Hitler with questions BUT HIRANYA seems to be possessed by Hitler LOL. We were speechess :s. Ujval seriously have got to stop thinking that we're year 3 students. He love to bombard us with questions we have totally no clue of how to answer. Journalism was okay. Watched "The Shattered Glass". Pretty okay. Not as boring as i have expected it to be except for the fact that i was freezing in class. COLD... BRR.... .........................Finally the week is coming to an end. Holiday time! Whee!. I'm finally going back home:). Really really missed them. Dad is picking me up from sunway. Yeah and the whole family will be there to watch the Formula one before heading back..Gotta Meet a couple of my friends back in JB. Yeah ! More shopping, Hanging out, Dvd's, Sleepovers, Singapore........... Just by thinking of it makes me excited. I havent been having so much of fun in KL. Life is pretty hectic and stressful here. .......................You know, its hard to explain to people what kind of person you really are. People tend to judge according to how you dress and what kind of facial expression you have. I'm so sick and tired. Godness! Alright then. Have a great weekend people:P Will post up photos soon

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 11:50 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Just going to post up some quotes and icons :) *Winks . Will be back for a post soon
the [ worst ] thing about being lied to is knowing that you`re not worth the truth.

sometimes, even when your having a good time, you cant help but miss the old times
confidence -
is the inner voice that says you're becomeing what you're capable of being
if HE can`t accept you at your worst ;then he doesn`t deserve you at your best .

you know what? tragedies happen. what are you gonna do?give up? quit ? no. i realize now that when your heart breaks you got to fight like heck to make sure your still alive. cause you are, and that pain you feel, its life. The confusion and fear, thats there to remind you that somwehere out there is Something Better & that Something is worth fighting for
being HAPPY doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. it means that you have decided tolook beyond the imperfections
And I don't hate myself, just the things I dobut I hope you see that I'm trying to improve.

but the struggles make you stronger, and the changes make you wise, and the happiness has it's own way of taking it's sweet time. life ain't always beautiful, but it is worth it<3>
i want a guy that doesn't care about what i wear or how i do my hair. who loves my smile & my dorky laugh & how i get hyper when i'm tired. who would never want to see me cry; at least not tears of sadness. and who would do those small things that make my day just because he knows it would make me happy. <3>

sometimes you have to hold your head up high, blink the tears away and just say goodbyea song, can take youu back instantly * to a moment, a place, or even a person. nomatter what else has changed in youu or the world, thatone song stays the same, justlike that moment..
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 12:35 AM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, April 02, 2007
3 Pretty good songs
Hey its APRIL FOOLS DAY!! HOW come theres not much fun at all?? No pranks?? No jokes?? Geez... I really missed those times where back then people actually took the initiative to play a harmless prank on someone just for the fun of it. HOho how boring life can be nowadays. People are all so busy minding their own business rather then finding time to have fun. Why why why!!.. Anyways Selina came over to my apartment again on friday . Had lotsa fun chatting, gossiping, watching victoria's secret fashion show, and catching up. Well Selina, You are always that special, inspirational and loving sister to me. Thank you for everything :) . I had a splendid time at Sunway Lagoon along with Jason, Alvin, sze, Rachel and of course my Sister. Gosh speaking of having fun ! First up would be the slides. It was hilarious LOL.... We had to carry our tubes to climb up the stairs over and over again to try out 3 different slides. It was exhausting * phew. I was half dead and selina , worst off , because she was carrying the lower part of the tube. Overall the slide was superfantabulouslyextremely fun! Oh yeah the funny part was Szejia getting punched by Jason unintentionally while going down the slide.LOL No doubt that the relaxation pool was one of the best part. BUT! the problem is, we had to pay an extra 5 bucks for every single tubes for the six of us. They should provide us with tubes for every single ride. Jason lost his specs half way through but managed to find it back. Not only that, he is 30 bucks richer LOL! he found them lying nicely on the ground underneath. How lucky that chap is:P I had fun entering the cave while getting ourselves totally drenched. You should have seen the sight of us screaming like one group of spasticated chickens. :s hehehe Anyways we headed for our very late lunch after that before heading to the dry park. Oh yeah, Selina simply love the spinning teacups. Oh and if you have ever watched UPTOWN GIRLS, you'll know why spinning teacups are nice:) Sat the pirate ship, roller coaster, the rapid thing, the cowboy boats ride LOL!, and maybe some other rides hehe I've got a bad memory. So do bear with me alright?:P. Went over to Asia cafe after that for dinner and a little action of pool and foosball. Spent the rest of the night resting, Talking to selina, and plenty of other stuff which i'm too lazy to type in *Bluek:). Hmm what can i say. Sundays are like shopping days:P whee! Had so much of fun shopping at sunway pyramid with Selina before meeting rachel for One utama!.. Met jason and alvin there too. Walked a little. Ate lunch and uhm walked some more heh:-) Bought two tube dress, an eye liner, a mascara, 2 hairbands and a couple of fancy shoelaces hehe( well just wanted to do something to my shoes). Jason left early and we continued walking. Rachel finally bought her SUNGLASSES! whee hehe. Alvin accompanied us until it was time for our movie. Watched just follow law. It was a film directed by Jack neo. Another pretty interesting film done by this impressive guy. I realised that he likes to blend in funny and touching scenes in almost all his films. There is always a moral value behind every movie made. I would give this movie 3.5 stars our of 5. It was a pretty good and enjoyable movie:). Rachel: Hoped your feeling fine after the outing. Dont worry about it because there are always ways on how to solve every conflicts. Chill babe:P
Going back to JB next week . Whee! I seriously missed everyone back home:). Finally i can find time to release all my stress. By the way, i still feel dumb being at class. *Sigh. I need help.... I've lost all my confidence. Help me find them back...
Asian badminton championship is coming up in JOHOR! and of course i'm definitely going:) *winks.
Alright, I gotta rest right now. my legs hurts lime hell. Darn! there are like blisters almost everywhere. Not only that, MY legs are swollen. *Sigh. Alright Goodnight people:) Zzzzzzz
I'll post up pictures when i managed to get it from Selina alright:) Took lotsa them

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 12:20 AM
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