♥ K a r i n a ♥
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Who else in the world would do this for me.
She waited for me to finish up my assignment.
I was so stressed at that moment because I had to a major responsibility to hand up one of the most important assignment of my Masters program which determines if I could do well this semester.
There she was on skype with me giving me advices on how I could do better. I sent her samples of my assignment over and over again. The connection was hell slow but she patiently waited for them to get through despite not having anything to eat that whole day.
Asked her to head out and have her late dinner, but she refused to until my file was sent and she can have a look at it.
Yesterday she did it again. We talked on the phone this time round because I was feeling down after knowing that fact that I am once again living alone next semester because my friend pulled out last minute.
She made me feel better.
Ah yes.
I'm talking about sisterly love here.
So thank you Selina (: Lubbbb chuuuu *hugs tight tight and not letting gooooo* *manja*
Never stay troubled for long because I forget them after waking up.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 4:18 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
It used to be little Karina enjoying Birthday parties but as she grows older, what she really loves is to just have that hug, phone calls and wishes from her family and close friends.
My Birthdays for every single year have been great and I'm thankful for that because of the people who took part in them.
This year was no exception! All I did was to wait for that phone call from my Family and my buddies back in Malaysia who never fails to wish me on time every single year.
Those calls were enough to make me a very happy girl despite me having my assignment and exam paper to worry about. In fact, it gave me more motivation to finish up just so I could celebrate with them back at home.
(: So yes!
Thank you for making my Birthday and me feel special.
Daddy, mummy, Chrissipoo, Long legs and Joshiepoo are the best!
haha My mum even had a Birthday blog post written out for me. How cute!
Since mummy kept pestering me day and night to show you her birthday message, well here I am. (:
My dearest wish for my daughter Karina Ng on her 22nd birthday
1. Take care of your health. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat less fried stuff. Drink lots of water!!!
2. Try to exercise at least once a week. Go to a park and take a walk with friends. This will help to rejuvenate the mind and body.
3. Always feel good about yourself and look at your strengths
4. Have a sense of gratitude. You got a lot to be thankful for!!!
5. Always have a positive mental attitude.
6. Do your very best in what you are doing!!
7. Have time to catch up with friends
8. Be discipline and follow-through in whatever you are doing in order to get the results you desire
9. Have a great sense of humor. Learn to laugh at yourself!!
10. Never be scared of failure. Failure is the stepping stone to success. Always get up one more time.
11. You are the best!!!
12. To be continued next year!!!
Happy2 Birthday
You are my dearest and most wonderful daughter… I love you!!
From: MUM
Cheers. Sho cute
All the positive thinking and health advices are so my mum. haha!
Alva san surprised me with a wonderful Japanese dinner and cake (: How I love this friend of mine haha. She did all that despite being tired after handing in her assignment.
Booger Sze Jia had a long blog post written for me too. Cheers to our long lasting friendship. Love you too :D
Jon Sern gave me this old school but very meaningful present. He burnt me a music CD featuring all the super nice songs and even created his own CD cover by drawing on it. (: . Old school presents are awesome!
Baboon called me hehehe (: and told me all about her new job. I'm really happy for you!
I'm a happy girl.
22 but still young at heart ok :P
Will upload the pictures on facebook real soon.
Thanks once again!
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 1:43 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, October 24, 2010
So sweet (: It's a true story. I got this from a blogger.
I have been pretty busy lately trying to complete my animation project and studying for my paper at the same time ):
Ah yes. What to do. Student's life.
I will never ever think of pursuing a PHD after finishing my Masters! eww the thought of studying, burning midnight oil and the endless amount of writing/research is enough to put me off the idea.
It's also about time that I start the next chapter of my life. That is to get a job and earn my own income.
A very short sequence of my animation featuring Alva this time round.
Had to remove the background of each pictures manually. Imagine having 500 images to edit.
The painful process I have to go through. Oh well. Hope it's worth it!
I'm quite annoyed by the fact that I get stomach discomfort all the time! It just happened again after my pampering session.
On a brighter note, I managed to take some time off my assignment and did some pampering. French manicure, facial mask and body butter.

This is so good!

hehe (: I'm addicted to them especially the blueberry cream cheese ones. mmm

Baby pillow teehee :D

Sweet fig. Smells good.

My Icubic speaker for my Iphone.
I'm not really looking forward for my Birthday just because of the fact that my assignment is due two days after *emo*
I guess it will be me celebrating back at Malaysia instead!
At the moment I shall just persevere for a little while more.
The idea of me graduating with a Masters certificate sounds so glam whey! haha...
BUT BUT ): I think that I'm heading back to Malaysia way too early. Oh well. All for the trips that my family planned.
It would be Universal studios and Singapore for 3 days immediately after I touch down at Changi Airport. We are heading to Taman Negara and Taiwan after that. Plenty of stuff to do during the holidays!
Korean with Ching Yee's parents and my friends.

This desert is so so so good. It's a mixture of red beans, milk and fruits.

Farewell lunch for Ching Yee with the girls.

It was a hot day! Good reason for me to wear shorts and my toga top out (:

Dinner with Alva, Jon Sern and Ching Yee before sending her off.
Quite sad because she's always taking care of me here at Melbourne ):
Such a great friend.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:16 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, October 21, 2010

lol We've been to so many balls together -_-"


haha! Darling spuds (: Remember szejia?

Our crazy attempt to get the mtv asia awards tickets.. Wuuu we ended up winning! :D

Subang KTM.. haha

Phillip Island

Gowning day :D (Graduated together some more haha)

Gold Coast!
That important and special day is here. It's my best friend's birthday.
I have known her half of my life and this person have seen the most unglam side of Karina hahaha and not forgetting, my most glamorous moments (:
ahh yes super cheesy but yes, she is one hell of a great person! andddddd Curry feels very lucky and blessed.
She's always there when I needed someone there even when she is currently back at Malaysia. We still talk on the phone like how we always do. Gossip, talk about boy problems, talk about our studies, encourage each other and all the funny crap that we come up with.
HAHAHAHA ten thousand nicknames that I gave her (oh well. Apparently I'm still the same. Nicknames are part of what I give to people when I get close to them). BUTTTT OUR NICKNAMES ARE SO FUNNY! Well of course, that is only for me and her to know. *sticks out tongue.
It's pretty much our first time not celebrating our birthday together. It feels really weird not organising something to surprise her.
But Booger (I know you will read this). I sincerely wish you Happy Birthday and enjoy the day with Wei Yan, Sonia, Alex and all the wonderful people out there.
Take some time off your thesis (: . Have a break because you deserved this one. I know you have been really stressed with your studies. So yeah! You know what to do!
It's been such a long time since our balak secondary school days. So much of fond memories and so much of joy. We're haha all getting older hor but the friendship will always be there and I know that. I'm really happy for you that you found someone you really like, your doing the course that you really enjoy doing and your having the time of your life. I'll pray for you so that it will be all happy and sunny for you every single day!
*does the boogey dance*
:D Stay Sze Jia and don't ever change because your great just the way you are.
hahaha Best friends forever! (So old fashion but still must say!) Wuu just like sex and the city characters :) (Miranda!)
From your ever so takut jadi unglam, ever so clumsy and blur, and super dee duper old friend:
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:02 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Saving this space for something important and special.
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:05 PM
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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Whoa! This blog has been with me through my ups and downs. It's the longest and the most consistent blog I ever had. My old blogs are all immature crap *laughs*
Unfortunately it's not a space where I could just sincerely write out my thoughts without having to think of the consequences and how people would feel. It would have been better if I had made it a more private blog to even begin with.
It's a little too late I guess.
Have been pretty bothered lately with my studies and the fact that I hang out with too many judgemental people.
I can't do something that I do not really like. It's more of forcing myself to do it.
As for the judgemental part, I know better than anyone when it comes to my own life. Nobody have the rights to judge the way I live, the people I hang out with or what I do. I know what is going on in my mind although I do not act them out in public. It gets so frustrating because people can only see so much from the outlook and not what is within.
It might not be how it looks like.
I had my first early birthday dinner at The Italian. The ambience was pretty good. The food was just hmm how do I say this. "Ok" I guess. I have very high standard when it comes to eating steak. Ordered rib eye. The portion was way too big and it was a little too salty for my liking. Other than that, everything was pretty much good!
Oh well, what matter the most is the company. This group consists of the people I'm close to at Melbourne (:
Thanks for coming!
Oh and I discovered that somebody actually watches "wei siao pasta" hahahaha!
Went back to Uni the next day to finish up the final editing for our short film. It's done!
I have already completed 2 assignments this week. I'm only left with the two more. Can't wait!
Had a charity event to go to last night. All the performances were fantastic!(my friends thinks that I have a crush on the guy who sang so well -_- pfft. )
Lisa came over to my place today to complete her tax forms and we had such a great night together having dinner and talking. hehehe I love girls night out!
Happy "early" Birthday girl (:
Lighting too bright but I'm lazy to edit Teehee!

Thanks for the early birthday presents. Macaroons and rose :D

(: my favourite lava lamp

Oh so yummeh oyster

Rib eye

Beaker lookalike candle holder



Charity night. Alva's dance group :D

Random picture of the boys hehe
~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:12 PM
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