♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, June 20, 2011

Sleepy eyes haha
It just hit me that June is ending real soon and July is on it's way. It also simple means that I am flying back home to Malaysia and the end of my Melbourne journey.
I'm having mixed feelings about this because of the life I built here for the past few years but at the same time I feel relieved that I will be back home in the arms of my love ones.
So anyway, it's packing time for me again since I am done with masters and all. Sigh the hassle of packing pfft. Yeah it's my own fault since I was the one who bought all the stuff in the room.
haha My dad used to complain how much of stuff we actually have at home. No amount of extra storage space could hold all the items we have so he gave up -_-".
Been hanging out with my classmates quite often. I am going to miss them so much especially Violet. She's like a sister to me.
Always nagging knowing that I fall sick so easily.
We've been through quite a lot throughout my Masters program and I'm thankful for that. (: She's coming to Malaysia to visit me!! so yay!
Feels like I'm writing a farewell post pfft. Being all dramatic again.
Unrelated note, I did something that I don't usually do. Lined up just to shop at the opening of Zara. haha uh yeah. The brat actually lines up to get into a shop -_-"
Did not buy a lot that day because I got fed up with the queues I had to go through (Changing room etc..)
It used to be me and my sister going in and out of Zara with our purchases back at Malaysia. Can't wait to shop with both my sisters again! They are pretty much the only people who enjoys shopping as much as I do without complaining.
I don't really like it when there's judgements or complains.
But yeah,
EVERYTHING'S great at the moment!
My ebook reader.
Yup was reading Archie on it.

Dinner at Yamato

The receipt we got from taking a picture at the Tutankhamun exhibition. I kept it as a souvenir.
Dr Zhivago's version of daquiri -_-. I'm planning to watch a couple more soon. Love musicals!

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, June 14, 2011
One of my favourite thing to do would have to be reading food blogs and watching food related shows. Besides the usual Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and Nigela Lawson, I have been watching Heston Blumenthal's shows. Love his concept of combining and science and food together. Got to respect this guy for owning a restaurant that was the best in the world in year 2005 and best in the UK in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Heard that his restaurant receives about 30000 calls a days for reservations.
He has got some pretty wacky ideas for food by they certainly are very interesting. You can watch some of the videos from his channel on youtube. Check out "Feast". Love it!

My dream is to try out food from his restaurant "The Fat Duck" one day (: .
Have been busy with all the exploring and keeping my friend company while she was here the past few days. It was quite disastrous that most flights from the Melbourne airport were cancelled due to ashes from the volcano eruption in Chile. I had fun especially after finishing Masters. I needed company as well because everyone is busy at the moment with exams and assignments. She is pretty much the only one who enjoys exploring and walking around random places as much as I do. Can't wait to visit Sydney as well to try out all the good food!
While Ching Yee was here, we had a chance to check out the TutanKhamun exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. I have to say that the exhibition did not live up to expectations. It's not too bad but it wasn't great especially with the price you pay to enter the exhibition.
They certainly did put on effort for the whole Egyptian concept with music and it was well organised.
I also had my first public karaoke session at Hollywood Karaoke's lounge. Was quite shy at first but it turned out to be fun. We had like people coming in to join us after their partying session and the bouncers joined us as well. -____-" This bunch of Italian guys requested for Andrea Bocelli because they did not know many of the songs there. Oh well, we had fun with all the singing and dancing! (:
Random images:
Slinky haha: Reminds me of how I used to have those rainbow coloured ones. Ah yes. Childhood memories.
Banane from the French Creperia (I'd assume that banana is known as banane in French?).
The crazy amount of USB thumbdrives I have.
Cherry yum!

Yay! Zara is opening here at Melbourne tomorrow! It's only ten minutes walk from my place.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, June 11, 2011

like finally after such a long time. For some reason, I don't feel like going out to party and celebrate. I guess what I really need is rest and the weather is way too cold. tsk tsk Another reason for me to bum around I supposed.
I like the idea of having plenty of "me" time. I do a lot of stuff when I am alone. I shop, I watch plenty of films or Television series, I read magazines, news or books, I check out entertainment or fashion blogs etc. There is just so much to do! It's really nice to be able to do things at my own pace (:
Supposed to be out today (I was out) but my outing was cut short because of a silly mistake I made. Had this huge bowl of vanilla ice cream and now I am suffering the consequences. Just to be safe, I decided to stay at home. Who knows, maybe karaoke tonight. Hopefully I will be fine by then .
Ps: Don't laugh at me hmmph.
I rewarded myself with an ebook reader. I have been thinking about getting one for quite some time. Ipad's good but I wanted something just for reading. What is the point of having an Ipad anyway. You bring it around to surf the internet, check mails and play games? What elese?
You can do all of that at home or on your phone. What is the whole point of having an extra device when it works the same as the rest of the devices you have. Call me old fashion but I find it quite pointless. It is going to make you a little less sociable.
I was talking to a friend about how I find it funny that people actually line up and wait for devices. Why can't people just wait a little longer to get the same thing than to line up for hours just to be the first few to get them -__-" .
I wanted an ebook reader because I can't keep too many books. Was looking through all the stuff that I have and it's crazy! I need to save some space and it would definitely help me in many ways. (:
This song is addictive
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, June 07, 2011
The Liz Lisa lace and rose collection is driving me nuts. I'm not really talking about their clothes but more of their pillows, bath towels, stationeries and all the other goodies.
It's a really popular Japanese brand that was featured on Vivi magazines. I knew about this brand quite some time ago but never really thought of buying anything from there.
Not much of a Gyaru/(Japanese) fashion person.
They sell things that are nice to look at but I would honestly prefer to see them on furnitures instead.
Oh well, back to what I was talking about.
Look at these:
So pretty!
Me and Selina had plans on decorating our renovated room with the theme of lace and roses.
The upcoming Golden Melody Awards (The Chinese industry's version of Grammy Awards) features three of my all time favourite male singers. Jay Chou for Shuo le zai jian, Lee Hom for Xu yao ren pei and JJ Lin for She says.
To be honest, out of all of them, my favourite would have to me JJLin. He is my biggest inspiration when it comes to singing Mandarin songs. This Singaporean guy has a very unique and clear voice. His vocal ability is amazing! Technical wise, he can pull of all sorts of keys and techniques and that is what I really love about him. Very versatile singer who composes, write his own lyrics, produces his own videos and plays musical instruments.
Jay and Lee Hom are both good as well but not the best in terms of vocal abilities.
The Asian music market is very different as compared to the English one.
Most mandarin songs sounds not as vocally challenging as English songs but let me tell you, it is not easy at all!
If your really good at singing English songs, you might find it difficult to sing mandarin songs. Mandarin songs are more about controlling and singing with a clear voice. English songs are more of technical abilities (divas like Mariah, Christina, Beyonce, and Celine Dion etc).
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, June 06, 2011

ehehehehe :P

I had high tea today at Chimmy's (Apparently this is the best bakery in Victoria 2010/2011). It was crazy. Too much of pastries for just two people. The pastries were pretty good besides the macarons. Have to say that Sofitel's high tea is so much better than this! I'm going to try out Windsor someday (:
I'm forcing myself to get some programming work done at the moment but it's getting dreadful thanks to all the compiler errors. More errors appeared after I added on some new stuff on my program.
The lecturers delayed this assignment's deadline and added on more work for us. Now I have to do an extra report and put in more features on the program. Killmeplease......
Was so looking forward to finishing everything today but looks like it's not going to happen yet.
It's really unfair that they could just change the deadline and add on extra workload for the students as they wish without following the unit guide. What is the whole point of having a course structure then?
eeee I'm so annoyed!
To make matter worst, my medication is not helping me. Looks like I have to make an appointment to go to the specialist instead.
I really should not overly dramatise things though. It's not as bad as it sounded. I am being such a drama queen. *giggles*
Daddy have been calling me almost every single day to talk to me and it really makes me feel happy. Hearing him talk about his trip & home, sending me pictures of the family and listening to me rant about things makes me feel lucky and it motivates me.
Unrelated note: I really need to gain some weight. My clothes does not fit any more! Size S is too big for me :( .
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, June 05, 2011

Look at Christina and her best/childhood friend, Catalina! So CUTEEEEEEE :D
My baby sister is such a cutie *beams*
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, June 04, 2011
Mmm I'm having one of my favourite drink. Lychee drink from Yeo's.
Yes I am more of a lychee than a longan person (:
Papa Ng sent me this picture a moment ago. It was the neoprint they took at Macau. How cute! haha I was laughing so hard when I saw this :D
♥ K a r i n a ♥
I'm now testing on some stuff on this blog. -_-" So many problems with it but I don't have enough of time to solve them. It's difficult for me to change the layout and it's going to take forever. So yes, I'll be doing it slowly.
Don't mind the horrible arrangement of items on this website. The texts are not even aligned properly. Look at my entries grr.
Anyway, I found this really funny photo of me, Sonia and Sze all looking crazy.
Me with my elephant ears and the both of them looking sleepy. Miss the both of them like crazy!
Yes. That is my auntie glasses according to Lexy pfft.

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, June 03, 2011
♥ K a r i n a ♥
Papa Ng called me the other day. Besides the usual "How are you? and are you coping well?", he asked me about my future plans after graduation and it took me quite some time to respond to that. Deep inside, I already made some plans based on what I could potentially be doing and where would be the best place for me to start out on.
Honestly speaking, the chances of me working and staying at KL would be slim. This has nothing to do with being comfortable or what I truthfully want. It is more of a "what is good for me in terms of money and career wise". I'm thinking of Singapore. The parents have been talking about me working there since forever but I did not put that idea in my head before this. Not until recently when I am about to finish what I set out to do at the beginning.
I can't help thinking that time is passing by far too quickly that I barely have time to sit down and actually plan on what I am going to do next. I am not much of a person who plans for every single detail but more of a "go with the flow"person. I like being random.

haha growing up sucks. I am a kid stuck in an "old woman's" body. Hmm not that old but yeah. I can be very childish and bratty at times and now your telling me that I have to make decisions *sulks*
Oh well, I am now focusing on self improvement and nothing else. I am trying and improving myself every single day. Imperfections can be mended if you put in enough effort.
I am so gross trying to be motivational and all pfft. -_-"
Oh yes, here comes the fun part. I have to recommend two really good photo applications I found. I absolutely love using them (Lemeleme and Pudding camera). Funny names but their pretty good if you want to add on effects to your photographs. Lemeleme enables you to edit your pictures to HDR versions.
Hmm feels like I have been abandoning my trusty camera for this *Hugs camera*.
Super boring flash programming class. My lecturer's name is Konstantin Pinchuk and he says whatever all the time -_-". Whoops. hehe was on facebook at that time *looks away*
Yoghurt for babies (Their cute and yummy ok:P)
Had to clear up my room.
Goodies from Fashionvalet (:
Old Blossom Box
Gallo by Thian
Yup. Macarons again. They were selling new flavours. heh
Om nom nom nom.
Dinner at Hako. haha can never use an iphone to take picture in the dark. Horrible pictures.
Yummy drink :D
:( Sigh my feet hurts. I have cuts on both feet from wearing my aldo strappy heels.
Anyway, back to doing work. Adious!