♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, July 30, 2007
It WAS one crazy day yesterday.
Went over to Planet Hollywood in bukit bintang for dinner. Had some pool action over there. Food was great but the portion is extremely big:S There was the Asian cup football final match going on and everyone was practically glued to the TV. We went all the way up the Genting Highlands after dinner. Reached there at midnight. Just nice to celebrate Rach's birthday:) It was crazy cold. I almost died freezing. Thanks for the jacket Khairie:) We had some crazy moments over there. Watched Team America and Shutter during the journey up.
Went home real late. I almost died during television studies lecture today:S
Okay I shall leave you with some pictures to elaborate more. Take care and good night:)
: By the way, I finally watched Transformer today. LOL!!

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, July 28, 2007
Sorry for the lack of updates. Had lots of stuff to talk about but keep procastinating. :S
Semester two started off pretty well. But things seems pretty tough right now. Especially INT 1020. I hate business related subjects. It just gets so boring and dry. There is this irritating guy who simply loves to debate. Ugh!! Oh well, got to respect this smart chap. He knows economic well. Classes now are just plain boring especially Jega's class. We survived this week's class thanks to body shop's energy spray. LOL!! FTV's okay except for the fact that Benjamin Mckay's tutorials are pretty boring. Hmm looks like semester two is filled with boring subjects.
Joined 3 clubs this week. Performing arts, Cheer and Global Awareness group. Trying to be more active during semester two.
I have to complain about the makeover I did a few days ago. Ugh I looked like some psychotic girl after the makeover and i had to pose in front of the camera for the photo shoot. It was bad! Hell bad. We had to pose in front of everyone walking past. :s
Had some drinking going on at Laundry on thursday night before heading the club in cineleisure. My intention was just to release some stress in dancing. I simply dread the liquor and beer part.
Played pool and watched "The Simpsons " The next day after the GAG meeting with Eddie, Lynetter and Alex. Korean dude was there:) during the GAG meeting. Simpsons was great. Its so hilarious it almost made me jump out of my chair. LOL. I'll give it an 8.5 out of ten. Its a nice movie to watch. Its a must watch! Hans Zimmer did the tunes for the movie. Had dinner at one of the cafe in subang. Played some games with alex and sze. It was so funny. We were dead bored.
Went over to One U today. Had some fun with Jason and Hun loong. Great to see them again. It was nice catching up, shopping, laughing and eating with them:) It was such a long day. I'm having a bloated stomach right now. Ate dinner at murni.
~I simply dislike people who acts differently in front of everyone. (Hypocrite), Bossy and selfish, Unloyal, Two timer...... But supprisingly, these people are the one who survive. Being nice will not get anyone anywhere. Darn, Life is miserable. It's so unfair.
LOL alright I shall not continue ranting. I''ll get back to the magazines I just bought:) Take care and have a great weekend.

You've gotten so caught up in being alone that you're afraid of what might happen if you actually find someone else that can take you away from it.
If you're going to go through hell, I suggest you come back learning something.
-Drew Barrymore
I dont think so
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, July 20, 2007

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, July 16, 2007
Before it's too late

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, July 14, 2007
♥ K a r i n a ♥

Hey I'm back!!
Will be going back to KL tomorrow and class starts on monday. Ugh :s
I'll sum up the whole holiday to one word ="Great!"
I had fun.
Hopefully new semester will be great. I'm pretty excited about it:)
I just cut half of my curls and my fringe yesterday. lol! I need a change. So sick and tired of the old looking hairstyle. Need something new.
Got my contacts yesterday. Went for great dinner at sharveen's place yesterday. Food was fantastic. Auntie can definitely cook well:)
Ate Dim Sum this morning. Spent the rest of the afternoon watching china masters live on astro. Results are pretty bad. Lee chong wei fought well but Lin dan was in a better form today. Men's doubles was utterly bad. haha! God knows how they managed to get to the semi finals. Only Wong choong hann managed to get to the finals tomorrow. The game will probably belong to Lin dan. World Championship is next month. Still contemplating to go or not to go.
LOL okay there is nothing much for me to blog about. Till then, Take care:)

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm so addicted to heroes right now lol. I'm finishing it soon. Its pretty good.
I change my mind about saying that i'm not looking forward for new semester next week. Actually I am. Cant wait to meet new people. :) The matter of fact is, I have been slacking and lazing around so much. I'm getting pretty sick of that right now. I want to get back to the healthy sleeping habits. Not like what i'm having now. Its bad. I know its bad, but i cant help it. *sigh I'm still a little sick. Hopefully it'll get better in no time.
The results are not out. People are getting anxious. But, I guess most of you will score well alright:) Dont worry so much.
I'm bringing my little sis for the premiere of Harry Potter tomorrow. It better be good haha
Okay then, I shall get back to heroes.

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, July 09, 2007
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Sunday, July 08, 2007

Uni's second semester is starting next week. Not as excited as the first semester. There will be more new students and things to come. Hmm I feel kinda reluctant to go back there again.
Alright lets move on to the better part. Had the best sushi for dinner on the green day. Food was great. Ambience was great. The crowd was definitely there (The majority was Japanese). I had a great time eating and enjoying the food there. The place is called "Yoaki". Live earth was on channel 5 the whole night yesterday and today. There was Rihanna (Yeah Joshua totally enjoyed listening to Umbrella. Now his singing non-stop) Kelly Clarkson, Bon Jovi and so many other big names. Great event i must say. I'm not going to say that you should do your part to help save the world. Its entirely up to you. But, think before you do. Oh yah! Did i mention I was totally in green yesterday. lol
Had steamboat and barbeue for dinner today. I lazed around the whole day watching Veronica Mars season 3!( I'm actually downloading the whole season. Sigh dont think I can finish downloading by the end of this week:(...) and had some spongebob episodes with josh and christ:) The barbeue was pretty oily. Dad made me swallow down 6 pills after the dinner. I ate and drank too much. sigh* more fats
Supposed to exercise but no one seems to be keen.
Okay then, I'll get back to my series:) Starting some other series soon. XOXO
The pony:) ahh simply adorable