♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, April 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Weiliang (: !
I'm glad you like what Jing Ting put together because she spent a lot of time in preparing the whole thing.
We went to Carlton to surprise weiliang at 7pm just now and had dinner at Gaijin at south yarra. It was pretty good I must say...
All photos are taken using a lomography camera. It's not really the best camera to use at night.

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, April 29, 2010
There is this French crepes place at Flinders lane that I highly recommend because they have awesome chocolate hot sauce and the crepes there are just nice enough to satisfy your taste buds. The crepes are not the thick ones that you might find at other places but the "just nice & perfect" amount of batter.
Other than that, my eye shadow palettes are finally here (: ! I experimented the smokey eyes effect with 4 shades of gold. This is my first time experimenting with eye shadows from this brand (Coastal Scents-Recommended by Michelle Phan) as the usual brand I use is Artistry (well more like almost my whole family uses Artistry products).

♥ K a r i n a ♥
Confession of a drama queen:
1: I secretly like the colour pink. Well maybe not secretly but a lot of people around me hates pink like nobody's business ): .
2: When I like doing something or eating a particular kind of food, I can do the same thing and eat the same thing a lot of times without getting bored or feeling sick of it.
3: Although I love watching horror films, a part of me still feel scared everytime I watch one.
4: I have to wear a pair of earring everytime I go out.
5: I don't use a comb. (Most important tool--> hair products and hair dryer)
6: I love japanese food.
7: I am lactose and caffeine intolerant.
8: I dislike boat rides as I get sea sick quite often.
9: I am not a fan of water slides as well
10: I dislike birds and frogs (Ask me about my experiences with frog. I can tell you all about it lol).
11: Only my grandmother knows how much of milo powder, milk and sugar I love having in my milo. (Well this is probably coz she makes the best milo)
12: I have extremely bad sense of direction.
13: I can watch sporting events and games on tv the whole day without doing anything else.
14: I used to not be able to distinguish between left and right in mandarin and malay.
15: I used to learn ballet.
16: I don't like following recipes. I modify them according to my taste bud.
17: I love snow globes and carousel musical boxes.
18: I loves butterflies related stuff.
19: I am interested in astronomy.
20: I like colourful rooms and stuff. I don't like plain coloured stuff.
21: I am usually attracted to guys with thick eyebrows
22: I get cramps very often.
23: I dislike fizzy and soft drinks.
24: I LOVE milkshakes.
25: I only sleep on the right hand side of the bed.
26: I have to put on a night light before sleeping.
27: I get paranoid very fast.
28: I sing in the shower
29: I don't plan my outfit every single time I go out.
30: I still collect stickers
Chi Chi's sleeping behind me lol! and I should get some rest too! adious.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I always have this problem of finding suitable gifts for people be it their birthdays or some other special occasions especially for guys!
I mean come on there are 10000000000000000000 items out there that are made specially for girls. You can just buy some fancy ornament, jewellary, something cute and sweet or flowers and they will be satisfied.
I usually opt for a nice shirt if I were to buy for a guy friend's birthday. It's getting boring though. *blows hair*
So I made up a list of stuff that I could possibly get but it just doesn't help much.
1: Shirt *yawns

2: Cologne: It's not easy to pick the right scent for a guy unless you know him very well and knows what he likes.

3: Sporting goods.

4: ??
Ultimate fail! The list that I came up with doesn't even reach 5 items.
I could do with some help here.
and I think I'm getting older and forgetful. I put my hair treatment product on my body instead of my hair without realising. Demented Karina lol.
The "and" doesnt end there because I also feel like having a cup of hot chocolate from Lindt Cafe right now sigh. It's freezing cold.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, April 26, 2010
Singing to me used to be just another form of hobby. Never been the kind who would sit down and browse through the huge collection of videos made available on youtube in relation to singing and covers made by various individuals from all walks of life. It used to be just me and my piano (hint: hopefully daddy gets a grand piano for us *winks). Never would I have imagined Melbourne bringing music closer to my heart. Well, more like the people that I hang out frequently with are all musically inclined one way or another (through singing or the instruments they play). These are the people with passion towards music and it really did inspired me further. I never knew there were like gazillions of technical skills behind this amazing form of art and I really like how people could play around with these skills and to form better results.
(: I actually find myself spending my free time on browsing through videos and appreciating music as the way it is.
I'm interested in learning more. hehe *hint hint Lava san. "Would you mind having another student??" :P
oh and I have been going for karaoke sessions too often. The bouncers actually knows who I am. Thanks to this, I don't have to flash my ID every single time I go there. How convenient!
Anyone interested in Sex and the city 2?
I have been waiting for this to be out for the longest time ever. My favorite series of all time. It's time to see Carrie Bradshaw walking down the streets of glamorous New York in various outfits and styles. I simply love the fashionable pieces they put together in Sex and the City. ): Selina would be the best Sex and the City companion. Come here quick ! Miss you.
Watching 超级星光大道 while eating my coco pops+ milk now. Adious!
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, April 24, 2010

We had one of the best K session ever this year last night (: . It all came from the number of songs we all sang with genres ranging from slow to fast track and of course english+Mandarin+Cantonese. Not forgetting the company I had throughout the whole night. Everyone were given enough oppurtunity to sing.
Funniest moment of the night would have to be on how da ming xing mentioned how fast his heart was beating when we all randomly passed him the mic. I laughed so hard on this (: . Oh and not forgetting how both Lexy and da ming xing were having singing classes with Lava.

Love: Your curry che che

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, April 22, 2010
Cao ge's version of my favorite 追 and 祝我生日快乐 <---click me
-_- Embedding disabled.
♥ K a r i n a ♥
Imagine the horror on my face when I saw this:

My heart literally jumped out from it's original spot.
Iphone, I phone. You and your addictive uses. The consequences of this addiction is a phone bill that could possibly get me a small designer's wallet.
): papa Ng's gonna be furious.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I really hate the fact that I find it difficult to sleep early these days. Hmm ok more like I find it hard to even fall asleep. I should get rid of this habit soon all because I'm looking llike a zombie everytime I attend class and my friends thinks that I'm sick just because I look tired. Sigh Hi I am nocturnal Karina. I am only active at night and not day time.
Anyway, I have always wondered why are we always so afraid of things and we constantly think of the what "ifs" before taking any risks.

*laughs* before anyone thinks that I'm crazy for typing this at 7:34 am in the morning, I'm being serious here (: . It's just something that has been lingering in my mind for ages but I have yet talk about it.
I mean come on. This applies to love, friendships, the things that we do, our life.
Why do you think of the "what ifs" and the worst outcomes when there is nothing there just yet.
Don't you want to know what would be there in reality? or you just stick to the "I already know what would happen because I know things too well" sort of mentality.
So you meet this girl/guy of your dreams. You have feelings but you just don't want to take the risk of losing your friendship in case things goes wrong in your relationship.

oh and your too afraid to join a dance competition because you know the outcome will just be a dissapointing one?

Anyway, these are just merely to illustrate my points.
It is not real and have nothing to do with anyone but yeah, you get the picture.
Why not try? The risks that you take might turn out to be what you will have/ or will enjoy doing in time to come. We are afterall human beings. Although we have beliefs but you can't deny the fact that we can never predict an outcome or more like we don't really have the ability to do so.
Failures are inevitable but the effort in trying is already something worth being proud of. (:
haha ok. Enough on the crazy talk.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I find this website really useful especially for a crazy food lover and anyone who loves cooking like me (:
Prepare to drool on your keyboard!
Hochiak!! <----Click on the link
Anyway, I have been thinking a lot lately and the option to fly back to Malaysia after completing my Masters certificate within these few months/this semester seems like a good one. I feel that, It's time for me to step into the capitalist world. (Job options would include those from KL and Singapore).
and not forgetting the fact that I miss the family so much. I would love to spend my Birthday with them this year since I haven't had the chance to do so for so many years. I also miss those simple things daddy and mummy do to make us happy (Simple things like our weekly soft serve cones from Mcdonalds. That 50cents is enough to make so many of us happy. Our almost weekly French mille (crepes cake which is oh-so-good), my two cute little pumpkin brother/sister, and Selina!. We'll be staying at our "temporary" new pad the parents bought while our old house go through some major renovation project.
The one and only Booger Eng (: my bestest bestest bestest friend in the whole wide world.
and Lexy the other kawan baik and and his rotten strawberries/cockroaches.
It's just an option though. I'll spend the next few weeks thinking about this before coming up with a final verdict.
Melbourne did bring a lot of fond memories and good friends as well.
I have to think about this carefully.
I just recently purchsed another lomography camera but it's a digital version this time round. Save the trouble of printing manually like my Holga. Oh and did I mention that it's super cute!

I would love to own this beauty someday: Olympus Pen e-pl 1